[EL] Two campaign finance panels Sept. 3 at the Amer. Political Science Assoc. convention
Michael Malbin
mmalbin at cfinst.org
Tue Aug 23 08:09:11 PDT 2011
To follow up on Dan's post about the redistricting panel, there will be two
interesting campaign finance panels at this year's American Political
Science Association Convention on Sept. 3. (see below my signature). Taken
together with redistricting, they could make for a very full Saturday!
Unlike a past year, it's great to see them NOT conflicting at the same time
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Michael J. Malbin
Executive Director
Campaign Finance Institute
1425 K Street NW (Suite 350)
Washington, D.C. 20005
PH: 202-969-8890. ext. 221
email: mmalbin at CFInst.org
web: http://www.CFInst.org <http://www.cfinst.org/>
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Saturday, Sep 3, 2011, 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Co-Sponsored by the Political Organizations and Parties Section and the
Campaign Finance Research Group
*35-4 Dynamics of Campaign Fundraising*
Chair(s): *Paul Allen Beck*
Ohio State University, beck.9 at osu.edu
Author(s): Do Caps on Donations Work? [*Download
*Eric McGhee* Public Policy Institute of California, mcghee at ppic.org
Where Does the Money Come From: The Timing and Geography of Campaign
Contributions to Presidential Candidates in the 2000 and 2008
Primaries [*Download
Paper*] <http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901546> *Andrew J. Dowdle* University of
Arkansas, adowdle at uark.edu *Karen Sebold* University of Arkansas,
ksebold at uark.edu *Scott Limbocker* University of Arkansas,
slimbock at uark.edu
After Citizens United and SpeechNow.org: Considering the Consequences of
New Campaign Finance Activities [*Download
*Diana Dwyre* California State University, Chico, ddwyre at csuchico.edu
National Political Conditions and the Intertwining of Incumbent and Party
Fundraising in the U.S. House [*Download
*Bruce A. Larson* Gettysburg College, blarson at gettysburg.edu *Eric S.
Heberlig* University of North Carolina, Charlotte, esheberl at uncc.edu
Understanding the Impact of the Internet and First-time Donors in the 2008
Election Cycle [*Download Paper*] <http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901550> *David
B. Magleby* Brigham Young University, david_magleby at byu.edu *Jay
Goodliffe* Brigham Young University,
goodliffe at byu.edu *Joseph A. Olsen* Brigham Young University,
joseph_olsen at byu.edu
Discussant(s): *Paul Allen Beck*
Ohio State University, beck.9 at osu.edu
*Robert G. Boatright*
Clark University, rboatright at clarku.edu
Saturday, Sep 3, 2011, 4:15 PM-6:00 PM
Co-Sponsored by the Political Organizations and Parties Section and the
Campaign Finance Research Group
*35-5 Party and Interest Group Responses to Campaign Finance Reform*
* Chair(s): Rick D. Farmer, **Oklahoma Insurance Department,
rick at rickfarmer.net *
* Citizens United, States Divided? The Interaction of Transparency and
Spending in State Elections [Download
Paper]<http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901551> Douglas
Spencer University of California, Berkeley, dspencer at berkeley.edu
Abby Wood University of California, Berkeley,
abbywood at gmail.com
The Value of Majority Party Status Reconsidered [Download
Paper]<http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901552> Jonathan
Wand Stanford University, wand at stanford.edu
The Politics of American Business [Download
Paper]<http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901553> Jonathan
S. Krasno Binghamton University, SUNY, jkrasno at binghamton.edu Gregory
Robinson Binghamton University, SUNY, grobinso at binghamton.edu
Special Interest Partisanship: The Transformation of American Political
Parties in Government [Download Paper]
<http://ssrn.com/abstract=1901554> Katherine
Krimmel Columbia University, klk2118 at columbia.edu
Discussant(s): Allan J. Cigler
University of Kansas, acigler at ku.edu
Timothy Werner
Grinnell College, wernert at grinnell.edu
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