[EL] Legal Treatment of Native American Tribes

PETER BRUSOE, BLOOMBERG BGOV: WASH pbrusoe at bloomberg.net
Thu Jul 21 09:08:27 PDT 2011


I was wondering if anyone on the list-serve had some background on the treatment of Native American Tribes as "individuals" for contribution limits.  I've reviewed AO 1978-51 and AO 1995-11 and it seems to also apply to partnerships and LLCs. 

Does anyone know why Congress decided to treat these entities this way?

When a tribe donates is it something that the chief executive does on his or her own?

Does the donation need the approval of the governing council of the tribe? (This could be an interesting comparison with Boards of Directors approving corporate political activity)

Was there or is there concern about Native American Tribes attempting to curry favor with the Federal Government? (Tribes are in some respect sovereign nations, and we would not allow Germany or Pakistan to directly donate to our elections)



Peter W. Brusoe
BGov Data Team
1101 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
PBrusoe at bloomberg.net

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