[EL] A big thanks

Vince Leibowitz vince.leibowitz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 17:37:26 PDT 2011

I want to take a minute and offer a big thanks to everyone on this list--and there have been quite a few--who saw my posting late last night and contacted me or my client with offers of assistance or forwarded the posting to attorneys not on the list who have been a wealth of information and assistance. Ultimately, I believe we will shortly be introduced-- thanks to the folks on this list forwarding the posting to colleagues in Virginia who have called us today--to one or two attorneys who will be willing to work with our client in Fairfax. 

It is always a privilege to participate in the discussions on this list, ask questions, etc. and it has been an even greater privilege to have had so many offers of assistance as a result of a posting to the list. 

You guys (and gals, as we say here in Texas) are a great bunch of folks. Thanks. 

And, if anyone interested would like an update of where we stand with regard to fighting this case within the VDP's Democratic Party Plan (the only rules document I've ever read that tells someone they can appeal a decision only to then fail to provide procedures for filing or service of notice) please email me offlist. 

This is our firm's first time to have to get this far into the weeds of the party rules with a political client in Virginia and it has been quite an experience, as those are some interesting rules they have up there. 


Vince Leibowitz
Principal Consultant
The Dawn Group
vince.leibowitz at gmail.com
vince at dgtexas.com
512.705.7001 (m)
512.861.2370 (f)
512.318.2432 (o)

Sent from my iPhone

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On Jul 27, 2011, at 12:23 PM, David Segal <davidadamsegal at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Ok -- Registration for the Conference on the Constitutional Convention just went live, at ConConCon.org.  Registration is open to the general public, and is free, at least for the time-being.  At Harvard Law, Sept 24-25, hosted by Harvard Law, Fix Congress First, and the Tea Party Patriots.  The question on the table will be whether or not we should move forward with organizing towards a ConCon -- those who are pro, anti, or ambivalent, of all ideological inclinations, are welcome.
> We're still finalizing all of the speakers, but a couple dozen confirmed participants (including several people on this list) are listed below.
> This is the first group to which I've sent the registration info -- it'd be an honor to have you there.   
> -David
> Agenda
> Co-chaired by Lawrence Lessig and Mark Meckler.
> The conference will host three main panels on Saturday:
> A legal/historical panel, during which legal and historical scholars will discuss their interpretations of Article V and their understanding of how the Founders viewed the provision and how a Convention would operate today: Who would be elected to it? Under what rules would it operate? Could a convention “run-away”? Can Congress limit the topics that a convention will consider?
> A political panel, during which advocates for various structural reforms will discuss their successes and failures to date, and consider merits and drawbacks of trying to utilize a Constitutional Convention to propose, debate, and move their plans forward. There will also be discussion of alternative methods for achieving similar reforms.
> A strategic panel, during which organizers will discuss the logistics of organizing a Constitutional Convention. Invited panelists include representatives of government reform groups, organized labor, the Tea Party Patriots, the, state legislators, and others.
> Additionally, there will be two Saturday keynote addresses:
> Keynote from the Right: Glenn Reynolds
> Keynote from the Left: Lawrence Lessig
> On Sunday we will hold break-out sessions inspired by the previous day's conversations.
> Confirmed participants include:
> Eric Byler - filmmaker, Co-Founder of Coffee Party
> Ben Cannon - Oregon state representative
> David Cobb - Move to Amend, 2004 Green Party presidential nominee
> Communications Workers Of America (the International will send a representative, TBD)
> Derek Cressman - Regional Director of State Operations for Western States for Common Cause
> Karen Hobert Flynn - Vice President for State Operations for Common Cause
> Lawrence Lessig - Professor, Harvard Law School
> Sanford Levinson - Professor, University of Texas Law School
> Mark Meckler - Co-Founder and National Coordinator for Tea Party Patriots
> Bill Norton - Constitutional Coordinator for Tea Party Patriots
> Annabel Park - filmmaker, Co-Founder of Coffee Party
> Barbara Perry - Professor, University of Virginia Law School
> Glenn Reynolds - Professor, University of Tennessee School of Law; founder if Instapundit blog
> Robert Richie - Director, FairVote
> John Samples - Director, Center for Representative Government, Cato Institute
> David Segal - former Rhode Island state representative and candidate for Congress; conference organizer
> Jefferson Smith - Oregon state representative
> Mathew Stoller - activist, writer, blogger, senior policy advisor to former Congressman Alan Grayson
> Laurence Tribe - Professor, Harvard Law School
> Bill Walker - Friends of Article V Convention
> Brenda Wright - Director of Democracy Program, Demos
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