[EL] FEC Chair Bauerly to speak on Citizens United
Craig Holman
holman at aol.com
Fri Jun 3 09:18:11 PDT 2011
For colleagues in the Washington DC area:
Federal Election Commission Chair CynthiaBauerly
Challenges, Changes Since Losing CitizensUnited
WHAT: Public Citizen will host adiscussion with Cynthia Bauerly, chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC),the agency that governs the financing of federal elections, audits and disclosescampaign finance information, and oversees the public funding of presidentialelections.
Created in 1975 to enforce compliance with the law limitingpolitical campaign contributions and spending, the commission’s originalmandate was substantially compromised in January 2010, when the U.S. SupremeCourt ruled 5-4 against the FEC and in favor of secretive corporate financingof elections. In Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission, thecourt ruled that corporations could spend as much money as they want toinfluence elections.
Bauerly was appointed to the FEC in 2008 and is serving asix-year term as one of the agency’s six commissioners, rotating to thechairmanship this year. From 2005 to 2008, Bauerly was legislative director forU.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), having previously served as his counselon the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committees. In private practice, Bauerlyspecialized in intellectual property and business litigation.
WHEN: 12:30 p.m.EDT, Thursday, June 9
WHERE: PublicCitizen, 1600 20th St. N.W., Washington, D.C.
(at 20th and Q Sts., N.W.)
WHO: CynthiaBauerly, chair, the Federal Election Commission
Robert Weissman, president ofPublic Citizen, moderator
NOTE: Please RSVPto register for the event by
emailing bholzer at citizen.org
Craig Holman, Ph.D.
Government Affairs Lobbyist
Public Citizen
215 Pennsylvania Avenue NE
Washington, D.C. 20003
TEL: (202) 454-5182
CEL: (202) 905-7413
FAX: (202) 547-7392
Holman at aol.com
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