[EL] Congressman Weiner

RuthAlice Anderson ruthalice.anderson at comcast.net
Tue Jun 7 16:42:58 PDT 2011

I still don't understand what political or professional explanation there is for Chris Lee's resignation. If that is what his wife wanted - then sure, it makes sense. But there was no other reason to resign. And what about the David Vitter standard? He actually committed a crime and he was re-elected. I think it might just be tougher for NY politicians because they are close. Perhaps it's distance from major media markets that determines who must and who need not resign.  


On Jun 7, 2011, at 9:38 AM, Paul Gronke wrote:

> Maybe if he used a government Blackberry or web access, though I'm not sure how they'd track the latter.
> It's unfortunate, I think, to see a pundit mention the "Chris Lee" standard in the NY Times:
> David Birdsell, dean of Baruch College’s School of Public Affairs in New York City, said it would be hard for Mr. Weiner to argue that his conduct was any less damning. “By the Chris Lee standard, these are offenses that merit resignation,” he said.
> No comment at all about whether such a standard is a reasonable one?  
> ---
> Paul Gronke	Ph:   503-517-7393
>                        Fax: 503-661-0601
> Professor, Reed College
> Director, Early Voting Information Center
> 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
> Portland OR 97202
> EVIC: http://earlyvoting.net
> <Paul Gronke.vcf>
> On Jun 7, 2011, at 5:29 AM, Doug Hess wrote:
>> All joking aside, what is the reasoning or grounds behind starting an
>> investigation of the congressman (or the same with the NY GOP
>> congressman that had the shirtless pic on craigslist but I guess left
>> before it was investigated)?  That he sullied the image of congress?
>> It seems odd to go looking for bigger violations if there is not yet
>> any evidence of it (i.e., inappropriate romantic entanglements with
>> somebody that does business with congress, etc.).
>> Doug
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