[EL] EVT/WOTE 2011 Program available (8/8-9, San Francisco, CA)

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joehall at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 10:30:33 PDT 2011

Hi all, The Program for the 2011 Electronic Voting Technology/Workshop
on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE 2011) has been posted. Lots of
great research results, keynote by Travis County's Dana Debeauvoir,
invited talk by Philip Stark (Berkeley Statistics) and panels on
internet voting moderated by Microsoft's Josh Benaloh and a Sarasota
CD13 post-mortem moderated by Rice's Dan Wallach.

We will also continue the "rump session" tradition, which allows for
preliminary results, half-formed ideas, humorous presentations and
even the occasional voting-related song... all over drinks (serious
stuff comes first, of course).

Please join us. best, Joe




9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Program Co-Chairs: Hovav Shacham, University of California, San Diego;
Vanessa Teague, University of Melbourne

Keynote Address
Speaker: Dana Debeauvoir, County Clerk, Travis County, Texas

10:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m.    Break

10:20 a.m.–11:10 a.m.
Usability and Accessibility

An Analysis of Write-in Marks on Optical Scan Ballots
Arel Cordero, David Wagner, Theron Ji, Alan Tsai, Eric Kim, and Raji
Srikantan, University of California, Berkeley

Accessible Polling Places for the Visually Impaired: A Compilation of
Survey Results
Gillian E. Piner and Michael D. Byrne, Rice University

11:10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.    Break

11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Computing IRV Margins

Estimating the Margin of Victory for Instant-Runoff Voting
David Cary

Computing the Margin of Victory in IRV Elections
Thomas R. Magrino, University of California, Berkeley; Ronald L.
Rivest and Emily Shen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; David
Wagner, University of California, Berkeley

12:20 p.m.–1:50 p.m.    Workshop Luncheon

1:50 p.m.–3:05 p.m.
Real Applications of E2E

Usability Analysis of Helios — An Open Source Verifiable Remote
Electronic Voting System
Fatih Karayumak, Maina Olembo, Melanie Volkamer, and Michaela Kauer,
CASED/TU Darmstadt

Running Mixnet-Based Elections with Helios
Philippe Bulens and Damien Giry, OAdeo; Olivier Pereira, Université
catholique de Louvain

Scantegrity III: Automatic Trustworthy Receipts, Highlighting
Over/Under Votes, and Full Voter Verifiability
Alan T. Sherman, Russell A. Fink, and Richard Carback, UMBC Cyber
Defense Lab; David Chaum, Voting Systems Institute (VSI)

3:05 p.m.–3:25 p.m.    Break

3:25 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Sarasota Panel
Moderator: Dan Wallach, Rice University
Panelists: TBA

4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.    Break

5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Rump Session


9:00 a.m.–10:25 a.m.
New E2E

Secure Internet Voting on Limited Devices with Anonymized DSA Public Keys
Oliver Spycher and Rolf Haenni, Bern University of Applied Sciences

Authentication Codes
Chris Culnane, University of Surrey; David Bismark; James Heather,
Steve Schneider, Sriramkrishnan Srinivasan, and Zhe Xia, University of

Prêt à Voter with Confirmation Codes
Peter Y.A. Ryan, University of Luxembourg

10:25 a.m.–10:45 a.m.    Break

10:45 a.m.–12:10 p.m.
Issues in US Election Systems

Auditing a DRE-Based Election in South Carolina
Duncan A. Buell, University of South Carolina; Eleanor Hare, Clemson
University; Frank Heindel; Chip Moore; Barbara Zia, League of Women
Voters of South Carolina

Applying a Reusable ElectionThreat Model at the County Level
Eric L. Lazarus, DecisionSmith Inc.; David L. Dill, Stanford
University; Jeremy Epstein, SRI International; Joseph Lorenzo Hall,
Princeton University

SOBA: Secrecy-preserving Observable Ballot-level Audit
Josh Benaloh, Microsoft Research; Doug Jones, University of Iowa; Eric
Lazarus, Lazarus Technology Mentoring, Inc.; Mark Lindeman; Philip B.
Stark, University of California, Berkeley

12:10 p.m.–1:40 p.m.    Workshop Luncheon

1:40 p.m.–2:40 p.m.
Invited Talk
Speaker: Philip B. Stark, University of California, Berkeley

2:40 p.m.–3:05 p.m.    Break

3:05 p.m.–4:05 p.m.
Internet Voting Panel
Moderator: Josh Benaloh, Microsoft Research
Panelists: TBA

4:05 p.m.–4:25 p.m.
Closing Remarks

4:25 p.m.–5:25 p.m.
Open Discussion: Planning EVT/WOTE '12

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
ACCURATE Postdoctoral Research Associate
UC Berkeley School of Information
Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy

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