[EL] Fw: POLITICO Sets the Stage; Americans Elect Makes It Real

Vince Leibowitz vince.leibowitz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 06:46:18 PDT 2011

I really do not understand how they can make the claim that the winner will
appear on the ballot in all 50 states. In many states, without a nominee
tied to a party with ballot access, there are petition requirements, etc. In
states like Texas, the burden is very significant for a non-partisan
candidate to get on the ballot, if memory serves.

Not to knock their efforts, but unless there is serious money behind this
effort (and perhaps there is, but it doesn't appear so), I don't see how
they are going to be able to afford to secure ballot access in sufficient
enough states to actually make a win for whomever their candidate is a


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 8:27 AM, <rhasen at law.uci.edu> wrote:

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> ------------------------------
> *From: * "Ileana Wachtel, Americans Elect Press Office" <
> ileana.wachtel at americanselect.org>
> *Sender: * "Ileana Wachtel, Americans Elect Press Office" <ileana.wachtel=
> americanselect.org at mail39.us1.mcsv.net>
> *Date: *Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:15:07 -0700
> *To: *Hasen, Richard<rhasen at law.uci.edu>
> *ReplyTo: * "Ileana Wachtel, Americans Elect Press Office" <
> ileana.wachtel at americanselect.org>
> *Subject: *POLITICO Sets the Stage; Americans Elect Makes It Real
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> 310.702.4240
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> *Next month, American voters can draft candidates at Americans Elect*
> WASHINGTON, D.C., OCTOBER 13, 2011- Over the last week POLITICO held a
> primary, asking people to nominate an individual in politics, business or
> entertainment who, as they put it, “could harness the public’s hunger for
> something new, different and inspiring.”
> Americans Elect agrees that it’s time to ask the American voters who they
> want to nominate as their presidential candidate in 2012. It’s time for the
> American people to not only be heard but also to participate in the debate,
> and to nominate a candidate who represents their concerns.
> At Americans Elect, every registered voter can go to
> www.americanselect.org<http://americanselect.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f8e77da91c818387f856f7b6&id=5651d59e08&e=69e6893bc7> to
> become a delegate and participate in the political process in a more
> meaningful way than ever before. Every delegate can join the debate, develop
> the Platform of Questions, and draft a candidate of their choice. The winner
> will actually appear on the ballot in all 50 states in 2012.
> As POLITICO states, “The public has had it with Washington and conventional
> politics.” We agree. Americans want a third option. Let’s all work together
> to bypass the traditional system and encourage a productive political
> conversation among all Americans.
> ###
>  Lets Make History! Americans Elect     [image: Become a delegate now at
> AmericansElect.org]
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Vince Leibowitz
Principal Consultant
The Dawn Group
vince.leibowitz at gmail.com
vince at dgtexas.com
512.705.7001 (m)
512.861.2370 (f)
512.318.2432 (o)
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