[EL] Doe v. Reed on Remand; Court Grants Summary Judgment

Hamilton, Kevin J. (Perkins Coie) KHamilton at perkinscoie.com
Mon Oct 17 11:42:21 PDT 2011

The United States District Court in Tacoma in Doe v. Reed granted summary judgment this morning dismissing the remaining as-applied challenge to the application of Washington's Public Records Act disclosure requirement for Referendum signature pages.  The Order names several of the plaintiffs and lifts the Court's injunction on the release of the signature pages.  The Opinion contains a ringing endorsement of the importance of disclosure and the weak factual record produced by the plaintiffs in the litigation, noting that "if a group could succeed in an as-applied challenge to the PRA by simply providing a few isolated incidents of profane or indecent statements, gestures, or other examples of uncomfortable conversations that are not necessarily even related or directly connected to the issue at hand, disclosure would become the exception instead of the rule."


Kevin J. Hamilton | Perkins Coie LLP
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khamilton at perkinscoie.com

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