[EL] anti-Mormonism in presidential campaign
Jennifer Steen
jasteen at asu.edu
Fri Sep 9 14:00:10 PDT 2011
Inflammatory indeed. Oh my.
My adopted state of Arizona has a large Mormon population and also a large number of Mormon politicians. Whether (or not) LDS affiliation is an electoral handicap was recently explored in this story from Cronkite News Service, perhaps of interest to some list subscribers:
Spotlight on Mormons intensifies as Flake, Cardon vie for Senate<http://cronkitenewsonline.com/2011/08/spotlight-on-mormons-intensifies-as-flake-cardon-vie-for-senate-seat/>
Jennifer A. Steen
Assistant Professor of Political Science
School of Government, Politics and Global Studies
Arizona State University
From: Rick Hasen [mailto:rhasen at law.uci.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 9:04 PM
To: law-election at uci.edu
Subject: [EL] anti-Mormonism in presidential campaign
This is about as inflammatory of a press release about a politician's religion that I have ever received. (Scroll down to the second half of the email.)
-------- Original Message --------
NBC-Politico Asked Romney The Right Questions! Now Will CNN & Tea Party Express on Sept. 12?
Wed, 7 Sep 2011 19:55:08 -0700
Kay Bell <kaybellmedia at aol.com><mailto:kaybellmedia at aol.com>
Rick.Hasen at lls.edu<mailto:Rick.Hasen at lls.edu> <Rick.Hasen at lls.edu><mailto:Rick.Hasen at lls.edu>
NBC-Politico Asked Romney The Right Questions! Now Will CNN & Tea Party Express Do The Same On Sept. 12?
* Under Governor Romney, Massachusetts rated in the bottom 3 of all states, barely above post-Katrina and Michigan, in job creation (Thank you NBC/Politico bringing this to the American People)
* Under Romney’s governorship, the national average growth of output of goods and services was 13%. Romney’s output only grew 9%.
* Romney raised corporate taxes
* Massachusetts placed, under Mitt’s Governorship, in the top 3 for population loss among states.
* According to the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), under Romney, spending in the Bay State rose 20.7 percent
* Governor Romney did NOT support the Bush Tax Cuts
* The Governor raised fees and taxes seven times during his tenure, which earned him the nickname of “Fee Fee”
* Romney also, during a fiscal crisis in his state, imposed a 2 cent per-gallon gasoline fee, imposed an internet sales tax and legislated to facilitate the local governments within his state to raise business property taxes while claiming that he would not “raise taxes (Mitt purposely neglected to disclose this when he was responding to the subject of gasoline prices)
RomneyCare in Massachusetts has also been a major thorn in his side. Under the RomneyCare Governorship:
* By March, 2009, employer backed premiums were the highest in the nation
* By 2009, the average expense for family coverage was over $15,000.00
* Peter Robinson on Forbes.com reported “In the last two years alone, spending on free and subsidized plans for low-income citizens of the bay state has doubled from $630 million in 2007 to an estimated 1.3 billion this year”
* (Mitt said that his healthcare plan was purposed to cover just (paraphrase) 8% of his state’s people) Grace-Marie Turner, President of the Galen Institute reported on March 2010 “While Massachusetts’ uninsured rate has dropped to around 3%, 68% of the newly insured since 2006 receive coverage that is heavily or completely subsidized by taxpayers. While Mr. Romney insisted that everyone should pay something for coverage that is not the way his plan has turned out. More than half of the 408,000 newly insured residents pay nothing, according to a February 2010 report by the Massachusetts Health Connector, the state’s insurance exchange”
* The wait to see primary care physicians for new patients rose to 44 days with some doctors refusing to accept new patients and the wait time to see specialists rose to roughly 50 days. Emergency room visits increased due to lack of availability to expediently see doctors
* Three years after Romney’s supposed “pro-life conversion”, he signed $50.00 tax paid subsidies for abortion as a part of his socialist healthcare plan
Regarding Mr. Romney’s latest stance “against” illegal immigration, Mitt neglected to disclose:
* “As governor, Mr. Romney wielded control over a significant budget and oversaw three cities that were proud of their designation as ‘sanctuary cities:’ Cambridge, Somerville and Orleans. Yet as governor, Mr. Romney did not cut their funding. He recommended millions of dollars in state funding of them and made no attempt to force these cities to change their policies.” The Washington times, August 2007
* “His immigration bona fides rest on the ‘deputization’ of the state police that would allow them to arrest illegal immigrants – a law signed less than three weeks before he left office and was never implemented.”: Boston Phoenix. 18-24 Mar. 2005
For interview and information requests, please contact Kay at 910-270-0411, KayBellMedia at aol.com<mailto:KayBellMedia at aol.com>.
Book: Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus The Office Of The Presidency of the United States of America
Political commentator Tricia Erickson releases an in-depth expose' into the political, fiscal, personal and religious life of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. And She's holding no punches.
Part I: "While he attempts to portray Mormonism as just another Christian Religion, Mitt Romney counts on his skills to shift our attention away from what he truly believes. If the American people knew what he truly believed, they would surely not place him in the highest office in the land."
Part II: How did Mitt Romney perform as Governor of Massachusetts? Is he truly qualified to turn around the US economy? What's the real story on his often changing stances?
Mitt Romney Believes:
* He will become a "god" in the afterlife
* Satan is Jesus' literal brother
* Jesus was NOT born of a virgin birth
* He will be given his own afterlife kingdom/planet where he will call his wife, Ann, into in order to have relations to populate his kingdom with spirit children
* Country first?- - -Mitt Romney has sworn in the secret Mormon Temple Ceremonies to The Law of Consecration: “to consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church), for the building up of the (Mormon) Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion”.
* He is the father of Gay Marriage in the US
* Was for abortion and stem cell research before he was against it and instituted a $50.00 tax payer subsidized co-pay for abortions as a health care benefit under Romneycare
* Believes in a religion that's history is full of racism against Black Americans, native Americans, Jews and more
* Good Economist? Think again
* Massachusetts ranked in the bottom 3 in job creation under Romney's Governorship (only above post Katrina Louisiana and Michigan) and ranked third highest state for population loss from 2002 to 2006
* Olympics? Want the real story?
About the author:
New Book! Former Mormon Bishop’s Daughter and Political Commentator Reveals Real Story on Mitt Romney!
[https://staticapp.icpsc.com/icp/loadimage.php/mogile/948755/dc9ddee60fd7d3177ef2e5704d4ce0d2/image/jpeg]Tricia Erickson, (a Conservative) was the first Damage Control/Crisis Management Specialist in the[https://staticapp.icpsc.com/icp/loadimage.php/mogile/948755/3d964d5d4d4aab6fdf6dc2203ccc80dd/image/jpeg] country, as stated by Barbara Walters on the show "20/20". Tricia is also a political consultant and on-air contributor. She has opined on many local and national news and entertainment TV and radio shows/networks. She is also the author of the new book “Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus The Office Of The Presidency of the United States of America.”
Tricia purposely became less active on-the-air in recent years and has not necessarily sought to participate in on-air interviews. However, because of the concern in her heart that for the first time in history, a prominent Mormon could achieve the Office Of The Presidency, she feels a responsibility to educate the public, both in the US and abroad, regarding what this potential Mormon President could truly mean for America. She is an expert on the well-masked cult of Mormonism and a former Mormon Bishop’s daughter who left the church in her early 20’s.
From a political stand point, she believes it is imperative to reveal the facts on Romney’s political record, in opposition to what the Romney camp will shift the voters to believe in order to achieve the Presidency.
We have by now experienced with the current President Obama what smooth words and entertainment imagery, as opposed to substance, can bring to the highest office in the land. Will we make the same mistake again?
Side note: Some of the issues Tricia has been called to speak to in the past are the dangers of Radical Islam, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, all things political, the imaging-posturing-positioning of Presidential Candidates, the culture wars and more. Her companies: Crisis Management, Incorporated (crisis management and communications) http://crisismanagementincorporated.com/<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=46690235&msgid=1926476&act=S346&c=948755&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fcrisismanagementincorporated.com%2F> and Angel Pictures & Publicity (a political and entertainment publicity and consulting company) http://angelpicturesandpublicity.com/<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=46690235&msgid=1926476&act=S346&c=948755&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fangelpicturesandpublicity.com%2F>.
For interview, review copy and information requests, please contact Kay at 910-270-0411, KayBellMedia at aol.com<mailto:KayBellMedia at aol.com>.
Other links:
See Ms. Erickson speak about Mitt Romney on u-tube on national show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2O_e7gDm1c<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=46690235&msgid=1926476&act=S346&c=948755&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL2O_e7gDm1c>
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Contact Kay Bell at: KayBellMedia at aol.com<mailto:KayBellMedia at aol.com>
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