[EL] Single Resource For Redistricting Mapping Files

Michael McDonald mmcdon at gmu.edu
Mon Sep 12 09:33:11 PDT 2011

I read Vince's request as one for shape files, not for district maps.
Perhaps he wishes to conduct a spatial analysis that is not possible with
pictures of districts.

There is no central repository of shape files or block equivalency files
(which could be merged with the census block shape files) that I am aware
of. Unfortunately, some states do not provide electronic versions of their
new redistricting plans in a public manner. This is one way by which
redistricting authorities reduce public scrutiny. Eventually, the states
will provide their congressional boundaries to the Census Bureau, who will
release them in an update to the 2010 census -- either as shape files or
block equivalency files. States will provide state legislative boundaries as
part of the 2020 Phase 2 data collection, around 2018/19. It may be that the
Census Bureau will work with the states to collect the new state legislative
boundaries in advance of Phase 2, as they did this last census. In the
meantime, for states that do not provide this information, I suggest
contacting the redistricting contact person listed on the NCSL redistricting
pages. Even then, I am aware of a couple of states that refuse to provide
electronic boundary information.

Dr. Michael P. McDonald
Associate Professor, George Mason University
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

                             Mailing address:
(o) 703-993-4191             George Mason University
(f) 703-993-1399             Dept. of Public and International Affairs
mmcdon at gmu.edu               4400 University Drive - 3F4
http://elections.gmu.edu     Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu
[mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 12:13 PM
To: Vince Leibowitz
Cc: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu;
law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
Subject: Re: [EL] Single Resource For Redistricting Mapping Files

Daily Kos Elections (formerly the Swing State Project) just posted pretty
much what you are looking for... 


Aaron Blake
The Washington Post
The Fix
blakea at washpost.com

From:        Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz at gmail.com> 
To:        law-election at department-lists.uci.edu 
Date:        09/12/2011 12:02 PM 
Subject:        [EL] Single Resource For Redistricting Mapping Files 
Sent by:        law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 

Perhaps an odd question for this list, but I'm hoping someone might be able
to help given the level of involvement among list participants in the
redistricting process. 

Is anyone aware of a centralized repository (perhaps a university project or
something) of shape files for newly apportioned Congressional districts--at
least as boundaries are as adopted by Legislatures or redistricting
commissions, etc., pending any court challenges? 

I just spent an hour trying to track down the files for Arkansas's new
congressional districts and need them for a couple other states that don't
have them posted online in as easily accessible format as Virginia or some
other states. If anyone knows of such a repository, please let me know. 

If there isn't such a central repository, I might be tempted to create one,
but I'm not sure what interest there would be in something like that. 

Vince Leibowitz

Vince Leibowitz
Principal Consultant
The Dawn Group
vince.leibowitz at gmail.com
vince at dgtexas.com
512.705.7001 (m)
512.861.2370 (f)
512.318.2432 (o)

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