[EL] Ashgate Publishing Company seeking book proposals for series entitled “Election Law, Politics, and Theory.”

David A. Schultz dschultz at gw.hamline.edu
Wed Sep 21 06:30:29 PDT 2011

A reminder to all that I am editing a book series for  Ashgate Publishing Company entitled “Election Law, Politics, and Theory.”  I look forward to your book proposals and ideas and to working with potential authors.

Please pass this announcement along to colleagues or to anyone you think might be interested.

Please feel free to direct queries to me.  A description of the series follows.

Ashgate Publishing Company is soliciting manuscripts and proposals for a book series entitled Election Law, Politics, and Theory, edited by Professor David Schultz of Hamline University.

We have published several good titles including James Tucker’s THE BATTLE OVER BILINGUAL BALLOTS and Jocelyn Benson’s STATES SECRETARIES OF STATE.

Election Law, Politics, and Theory seeks single-authored and edited monographs for scholarly or classroom use that will examine election law. The series will broadly examine election law at the national, subnational, international, supranational, or comparative perspective, considering topics such as voting rights, reapportionment, ballot access, campaign finance reform, the courts and election regulation, election law and democraticization, and the role of actors such as political parties, the media and others in the election process.

Queries and proposals may be directed to:
David Schultz, Professor, Hamline University, 570 Asbury Street, Suite 305, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, 01.651.523.2858 (voice), 01.651.523.3098 (fax), < dschultz at hamline.edu >.

David Schultz, Professor
Editor, Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE)
Hamline University
School of Business
570 Asbury Street
Suite 308
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)

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