[EL] Adelson

Lowenstein, Daniel lowenstein at law.ucla.edu
Thu Apr 12 04:56:03 PDT 2012

        So far as I can tell, the Koch Brothers have been the target of one of the largest scale and pernicious smear campaigns in American history.


             Daniel H. Lowenstein
             Director, Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions (CLAFI)
             UCLA Law School
             405 Hilgard
             Los Angeles, California 90095-1476

From: Jeff Hauser [jeffhauser at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:15 AM
To: Lowenstein, Daniel
Cc: Volokh, Eugene; law-election at uci.edu
Subject: Re: [EL] Adelson

Daniel, are you being serious? Fine, consider substituting the Koch Brothers, who have had to settle a variety of past investigations and may have one (or more) ongoing now as well: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/envoy/bloomberg-investigation-alleges-koch-subsidiaries-paid-bribes-sold-190408559.html

And Adelson went big without Newt in the race in 2008 and may well hit $100M in 2012 post-Newt.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:21 AM, Lowenstein, Daniel <lowenstein at law.ucla.edu<mailto:lowenstein at law.ucla.edu>> wrote:
      What does it suggest when a group of election law specialists spend a day debating abuses that might possibly arise from large contributions to a presidential candidate by an individual who might be the subject of a federal investigation, without noting that the candidate in question will not be elected president and never had more than the most remote prospect of being elected president?

        My answer is, it suggests a discipline preoccupied with abstractions and too often out of touch with political reality.


            Daniel H. Lowenstein
            Director, Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions (CLAFI)
            UCLA Law School
            405 Hilgard
            Los Angeles, California 90095-1476

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