[EL] Koreatown residents sue L.A. over redistricting - latimes.com

David A. Holtzman David at HoltzmanLaw.com
Wed Aug 1 15:45:59 PDT 2012


Interesting case.I have a question about it (please see below).

Some of the LATimes article:

"Appearing before an audience at the Baptist Ministers Conference of Los 
Angeles, Wesson said he worked hard during the redistricting process to 
ensure that 'a minimum of two of the council people will be black for 
the next 30 years.'

'The most important asset that we have as people is to make sure we have 
a black vote or two on that council,' Wesson said in the taped remarks. 
'And that was my priority.'"

Some things to know about this case:

1. The redistricting map was drawn first by a 21-member appointed 
commission -- with one member appointed by Councilmember Herb Wesson.

2. The City Council made some 18 adjustments to the map before adopting 
it by ordinance.(Wesson was council president then, but not when the 
commission was appointed.)

MY QUESTION: would this case be different if the City Council had 
enacted the commission's map unchanged?

- dah

David A. Holtzman, M.P.H., J.D.
david at holtzmanlaw.com

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