[EL] GOP Senators Press IRS on Rule Changes - Washington Wire - WSJ

Michael McDonald mmcdon at gmu.edu
Tue Aug 7 09:58:16 PDT 2012

There is an interesting juxtaposition of Jim Bopp’s harassment straw man
with the vote fraud straw man. No one is saying that harassment does not
occur. We know of people being killed. But it is interesting how every
example of harassment is now given by Jim as evidence in opposition to
campaign finance disclosure (or in this case to make an unnecessary snide
comment about Fred Wertheimer that does nothing to advance an argument or
improve the tone of the list serve), even when it does not involve
harassment originating from disclosure of a campaign donation. The parallel
with vote fraud is that we know there is virtually no in-person
impersonation, what strict photo is laws are meant to address, yet other
forms of vote fraud like absentee ballot fraud are given as reasons
implement photo id.

Dr. Michael P. McDonald
Associate Professor, George Mason University
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

                             Mailing address:
(o) 703-993-4191             George Mason University
(f) 703-993-1399             Dept. of Public and International Affairs
mmcdon at gmu.edu               4400 University Drive - 3F4
http://elections.gmu.edu     Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu
[mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of
JBoppjr at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:21 PM
To: rhasen at law.uci.edu; law-election at UCI.EDU
Subject: [EL] GOP Senators Press IRS on Rule Changes - Washington Wire - WSJ

Click here: GOP Senators Press IRS on Rule Changes - Washington Wire - WSJ 
Old "Watch Dog" Fred only sees "harassment" and "intimidation" by Republican
public officials, but at least he has finally conceded that it can happen. 
Jim Bopp

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