[EL] Akin and ballot costs

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joehall at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 12:31:05 PDT 2012

I'm sure someone could improve this rough back-of-the-envelope
calculation I'm about to do with real numbers -- I used to be in
astronomy where a factor of 10 is all that matters! -- but here's a
likely upper bound:

MO's 2nd Cong. Dist. has about 700k people in it, probably at most 3/4
are registered voters and ballot costs for a single-page ballot are
probably $0.75 (or more). So that's 700,000 * 0.75 * 0.75 = $390,000
(to two significant digits). This is very sensitive to the cost per
ballot of printing and the fraction of VAP/VEP.

best, Joe

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:16 PM, David Epstein
<david.l.epstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> So if Akin withdraws before 5 PM today, he pays nothing and the Missouri GOP
> central committee picks a replacement.
> If he drops out between 5:01 PM today and September 25, he needs a court
> order to do so, pays the costs of printing new ballots, and the Missouri GOP
> central committee again picks a replacement.
> Two questions: does anyone know (approximately) what the cost of printing
> new ballots would be? And what are the details of obtaining the necessary
> court order?
> David Epstein
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Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Media, Culture and Communication
New York University

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