[EL] Citizens United Pushback

BZall at aol.com BZall at aol.com
Sat Feb 25 06:38:19 PST 2012

In a message dated 2/24/2012 9:33:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jeffhauser at gmail.com writes:

Brad,  doesn't the pervasive unpopularity of the decision cause tension
with your  point of view about the marketplace of ideas?

Excellent question! No need to invoke the British bulldog in response,  as 
did Brad's counter. In fact, the question itself offers its own refutation:  
even assuming "pervasive unpopularity", is it of the decision or how the  
decision is being portrayed (in Brad's telling, inaccurately and with  
distortions)? Simple answer: every political operative knows that earned media  is 
vastly more effective than paid media, and there is no paid media in favor 
of  the decision but . . .
If you assume that the dangers of the decision are that massive spending  
will result in more communications from untrustworthy sources (the rationale 
for  the anti-distortion doctrine struck down in the decision), how can you 
not also  assume that media coverage that is inaccurate or untrustworthy 
(Brad's point) is  not similarly distorting? After all, it is not the spending 
that matters, but  the belief that the resulting distorted communications 
will be effective in  swaying public opinion.  
Or, to invoke the Volokh exception, is it only that there is a statutory  
media exception to the anti-distortion doctrine (and related speech  
restrictions) that makes the difference? After all, isn't it CBS that runs the  
slogan "The more you know"?
Return to first principles: the counter to "bad speech" is more speech. The 
 anti-distortion rationale limits speech (for a purpose, right or wrong).  
Citizens United rejects the limit on speech in the anti-distortion 
rationale,  and further says that more speech is better unless it can be shown to 
Barnaby Zall
Of Counsel
Weinberg, Jacobs & Tolani,  LLP
Please note our new address:
10411  Motor City Dr., Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20817
301-231-6943 (direct dial)
_www.wjlaw.com_ (http://www.wj/) 
bzall at aol.com

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