[EL] Media can attend AALS Trustworthy Elections-Internet voting program

Candice Hoke shoke at law.csuohio.edu
Tue Jan 3 15:10:51 PST 2012

After receiving media inquiries, we discovered today that media reps can attend the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) program on 

The Law and Science of Trustworthy Elections:  Facing the Challenge of Internet Voting and Other E-Voting Technologies

AALS directs:  For a press badge, bring your press credentials to the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC., to the AALS office in the Coolidge Room on the Mezzanine level, and ask for Deborah.

The AALS staffs the doors to the program areas and requires proof of registration, so everyone (even speakers) must register before attending/participating in a program.  

The AALS office is open:  Jan. 4th  Wednesday night:  6-9 pm and Thursday 7:00 AM - end of the day.  The Trustworthy Election Tech program commences at 9:00 am sharp Thursday.  Location and program information can be found below.  

> “Crosscutting Program – The Law and Science of Trustworthy Elections: Facing the Challenges of Internet Voting and Other E-Voting Technologies”
> Posted on January 2, 2012 5:23 pm by Rick Hasen
> This AALS program from 9 to noon on Thursday Jan 5 will be in Thurgood Marshall North, mezzanine level, Marriott Wardman Hotel.  

Professor Candice Hoke
Law School
Cleveland State University
216 687-2313

shoke at law.csuohio.edu

Disclaimer:  Any opinions I may have expressed are my own and do not reflect the positions of any university, State or Federal institutions, boards, or committees with which I may be affiliated, although I may wish that they did.

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