[EL] more on Perry, laches

Richard Winger richardwinger at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 12:47:32 PST 2012

Rick Hasen quotes Judge Richard Posner's decision in Nader v Keith (2004), in which Posner's decision criticizes Nader for filing his lawsuit against the Illinois petition deadline on June 27, 2004.  But Posner's decision is an outlier.

George Wallace filed his complaint against Ohio in Williams v Rhodes on July 29, 1968, and the US Supreme Court put him on the ballot after the 3-judge US District Court declined to do so.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the idea that Wallace was guilty of laches.

Eugene McCarthy filed his complaint against Texas in McCarthy v Briscoe on July 30, 1976, and the US Supreme Court put him on the ballot after the US District Court and the 5th circuit had declined to do so.  The US Supreme Court rejected the idea that McCarthy was guilty of laches.

John B. Anderson filed his complaint against North Carolina on August 8, 1980, in Anderson v Babb.  The issue was whether the sore loser law applied.  Anderson was put on the ballot by the US District Court, and the 4th circuit affirmed, so that is at least one 4th circuit precedent that disagrees with Judge Posner's opinion about how early ballot access lawsuits must be filed.

I believe I could find 70 or 80 instances when a candidate, or a minor party, filed a ballot access lawsuit in the 2nd half of an election year, and the court put the candidate or party on the ballot in time for the November election.  Judge Posner's opinion in Nader v Keith is all alone, I believe, in expressing the opinion that June is too late to file a ballot access lawsuit.

Richard Winger


PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147

--- On Sun, 1/15/12, Justin Levitt <levittj at lls.edu> wrote:

From: Justin Levitt <levittj at lls.edu>
Subject: Re: [EL] more on Perry, laches
To: law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012, 12:31 PM


    Self-promotion alert: For what it's worth, I made a similar point in
      Article, in the context of litigation challenging election-day
    burdens like lines at the polls (and citing Rick's helpful
    discussion below).  Where (and only where) the conditions likely to
    cause the problem are known well in advance, early resolution based
    on a probabilistic assessment of likely harm benefits the system as
    a whole.  (But see Crawford...)   


    And while Rick's discussion below focuses on pre-election v.
    post-election relief, the Article above builds on Rick's point in a different piece,
    that even pre-election, logistical difficulties increase the later
    it gets in the election cycle (in a way, this is the second
      state where Perry's involved in a pragmatic election
    administration mess caused by unresolved last-minute litigation,
    though laches aren't -- and shouldn't be -- at issue in the Texas
    case).  The Virginia election isn't until March 6, but absentee
    ballots should already have been printed, and have to be mailed in
    less than a week.   Even if the choice at hand doesn't threaten to
    overturn the results of an election, it's already making it more
    difficult to actually run the election in question.




    On 1/15/2012 11:46 AM, Rick Hasen wrote:
               Why Laches in Election Law
               Posted on January 15, 2012 11:42 am
                by Rick

                The laches issue is now before the 4th Circuit in the
                  Perry VA
                    ballot access case.  I have long advocated that
                  courts be more willing to entertain early
                  challenges to election rules but also aggressively use
                  the equitable doctrine of laches to bar late
                  challenges to election rules.  Here’s my most

                    extended discussion of the issue in the context
                  of pre- versus post-election challenges to election
                  rules (not exactly the Perry situation, but close
                  enough to make the public policy point) (footnotes
                The final reform this Article advocates relates to
                  the timing of court challenges to election
                  administration practices: Courts should be more
                  willing to entertain pre-election challenges and less
                  willing to entertain post-election challenges, at
                  least for those issues that could reasonably have been
                  foreseen and raised before the election. The argument
                  for the timing change is two-fold, considering both
                  the benefits of pre-election review and the costs of
                  post-election review.
                Turning first to the benefits, in some
                  cases—particularly those involving presidential
                  elections—pre-election adjudication remains the only
                  way to give an effective remedy to an aggrieved
                  plaintiff. Consider Palm Beach County’s 2000
                  “butterfly ballot.” There is strong evidence that its
                  design cost Al Gore the election in Florida. After the
                  election, a group of plaintiffs brought suit
                  challenging the butterfly ballot and asking for a
                  re-vote in Palm Beach County to correct the error.
                  Unsurprisingly, the trial judge denied the request for
                  a re-vote: “[B]ecause Presidential elections are the
                  only national elections held in our country, our
                  forefathers included clear and unambiguous language in
                  the Constitution of the United States which require
                  [sic] that Presidential ‘electors’ be elected on the
                  same day throughout the United States.” “While a
                  re-vote or new election may not give other States
                  ‘undue advantage’ in the instant action, the danger of
                  one candidate benefiting from an undue advantage in a
                  re-vote or new election is always a strong
                Imagine if someone had gone to court before the
                  election, making a claim that the design of the ballot
                  would be confusing and could affect the outcome of the
                  election. Had that kind of suit been heard on the
                  merits, it is possible that the problem could have
                  been avoided, and a redesign of the ballot would have
                  greatly increased the chances for thousands more
                  voters to cast votes matching their intent.
                  Pre-election review thus presented the only possible
                  opportunity to afford a remedy for potential
                  disenfranchisement of Florida’s voters….
                But consider the costs associated with post-election
                  challenges, where a court is asked to overturn the
                  result of an election or take a step that can affect
                  the outcome of an election. Such litigation puts
                  courts in a difficult position. A court asked to
                  decide a question of statutory or constitutional law
                  that affects the outcome of an already held election
                  is injected in the worst way into the political
                  thicket. Journalists immediately question the partisan
                  background of the judges, and partisan motives are
                  immediately questioned and dissected no matter what
                  the judges do.
                Putting judges in the position of deciding election
                  law questions when the winner and loser of its
                  decision will be obvious can undermine the legitimacy
                  of the courts.  Moreover, when judges second-guess
                  decisions made by legislators and votes cast by the
                  people, the legitimacy of the election process itself
                  can suffer. The nation does not want it to become the
                  norm that no close election results are considered
                  final until the courts have had their say, but the
                  nation is coming perilously close to that situation
                  given the increased use of election law as political
                Of course, there are situations where pre-election
                  review is impossible because the election problem that
                  materializes is not reasonably foreseen: Consider the
                  Carteret County, North Carolina problem, where
                  election administrators made a mistake about the
                  capacity of their electronic voting machines to hold
                  electronic votes. Nor does it make sense to require
                  campaigns to take extraordinary and costly steps to
                  ferret out all potential election administration
                  problems, such as a problem with felon voters being
                  left on the voting rolls who may later cast illegal
                  votes. But putting asidethose cases that would require
                  clairvoyance or an onerous undertaking, there are many
                  reasons to favor pre-election review and disfavor
                  post-election review.
                Allowing post-election review when
                    pre-election review would have been relatively easy
                    to request essentially gives a campaign the “option”
                    whether to sue: The campaign identifying a potential
                    election problem can sit on its hands until it sees
                    the election results, and if it does not like the
                    election results it can use the problem as an excuse
                    to get a more favorable outcome. It is far better to
                    have a legal system that discourages such
                    speculation and encourages preventing harm in
                    elections that would prove difficult to undo after
                    the fact….
                Allowing more pre-election review is not a recipe for
                  more overall election litigation. Courts should make
                  clear that a willingness to reach issues before the
                  election will be accompanied by a strict application
                  of laches after the election. “[L]aches is
                  unreasonable delay by the plaintiff in prosecuting a
                  claim or protecting a right of which the plaintiff
                  knew or should have known, and under circumstances
                  causing prejudice to the defendant.” But it is subject
                  to some exceptions, including an exception that
                  prevents its application “to defeat the public
                  interest.” This exception threatens to swallow the
                  rule in election law litigation, because the public
                  has an interest that election law disputes get their
                  day in court.
                Courts should see it as in the public interest in
                  election law cases to aggressively apply laches so as
                  to prevent litigants from securing options over
                  election administration problems. This rule will
                  promote the public interest by insuring public
                  confidence in the election process. Judge Posner saw
                  it that way in a lawsuit brought by Ralph Nader to
                  allow him to file petitions late getting him on the
                  presidential ballot in Illinois in 2004:
                  [I]t would be inequitable to order preliminary
                    relief in a suit filed so gratuitously late in the
                    campaign season. It wasn’t filed until June 27, only
                    a little more than four months before the election.
                    If when he declared his candidacy back in February
                    Nader had thought as he now does that the Illinois
                    Election Code unconstitutionally impaired his
                    chances of getting a place on the ballot, he could
                    easily have filed suit at the same time that he
                    declared his candidacy—especially as he had filed a
                    similar suit the last time he ran for President, in
                    2000, when he obtained a preliminary injunction that
                    got him on the Illinois ballot by allowing him to
                    submit petitions collected after the deadline,
                    though no final judgment was ever entered.
                Judge Posner recognized that the public interest in
                  fact militated in favor of a laches holding:
                  We are mindful that the right to stand for office
                    is to some extent derivative from the right of the
                    people to express their opinions by voting; it was
                    doubtless to remind us of this that Nader’s lawyers
                    added two prospective voters as plaintiffs. But
                    nothing is more common than for the denial of an
                    injunction to harm innocent nonparties, such as
                    people who would like to vote for Nader but unlike
                    the two voter plaintiffs are not complicit in his
                    decision on the timing of the suit. But there are
                    innocents on the other side as well—namely the
                    people who will be harmed if a last-minute
                    injunction disrupts the Presidential election in
                    Illinois. And Nader’s supporters can of course cast
                    write-in votes for him in November.
                Posted in ballot access, campaigns,
                  election administration 
                | Comments Off
               Gerstein Posts
                  Excerpts from Perry and Gingrich’s Emergency 4th
                  Circuit Appeal in VA Ballot Access Case 
               Posted on January 15, 2012 11:30 am
                by Rick

                Posted in ballot access  | Comments Off

        Rick Hasen

        Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science

        UC Irvine School of Law

        401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000

        Irvine, CA 92697-8000

        949.824.3072 - office

        949.824.0495 - fax

        rhasen at law.uci.edu





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Justin Levitt
Associate Professor of Law
Loyola Law School | Los Angeles
919 Albany St.
Los Angeles, CA  90015
justin.levitt at lls.edu

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