[EL] Check out F.D.A. Surveillance of Scientists Spread to Outside Critic...
Bev Harris
bev at blackboxvoting.org
Mon Jul 16 08:04:11 PDT 2012
> The point is that government officials will go after critics however
> they find out about them and using the methods they have available.
If you are concerned about this, Jim, you will want to be far more concerned
about ballot identifiers (downloadable unique bar codes printed on each
person's ballot; for mail-in votes this renders the votes on the ballot
entirely connectable with the voter. As a matter of fact, being from Indiana,
you would want to also be very concerned about the STATE LAW requiring that
ballots must be traceable to individual voters (see below) and the newly
popular practice of using vote centers, which reduces voter privacy.
Stripping political privacy out of voted BALLOTS is completely egregious, and in
a different class entirely than knowing how people contributed campaign cash.
Doing so clandestinely (that is, enabling only certain classes of persons to
have this information -- election workers and vendors -- without even
disclosing this to the public, constitutes political rape.
I'm not sure why attorneys on this list have so little concern about the removal
of our political privacy. Perhaps denial -- not believing it can be so, though
it is easily provable to anyone who either reads news articles or looks at the
databases. Perhaps because elite levels of political parties, and corporate
sponsors, place a value on this clandestine information.
With electronic methods, vendors and election officials can now harvest the
voted ballot data by the hundreds of thousands, then apply connector software,
available commercially, to create a massive database showing how everyone
voted. This, of course, is rarely admitted, except in Colorado, where election
officials (unsuccessfully) to deny citizens the right to look at ballots,
admitting that ballots are not anonymous; it has also been admitted in Indiana,
when during a recount the vendor went in and pulled, name by name, the voted
ballots for three voters out of the cast votes in a touchscreen.
"Fayette election officials are concerned many voters won't use the centers
again because of privacy issues, Sudhoff said. During the recount of the
mayoral race, the ballots of three early voters were retrieved from electronic
voting machines and canceled because they'd failed to sign required paperwork.
"Those voters' names were revealed during the recount commission's public
meeting. One voter didn't vote in the mayor's race and the other two were split
between the two candidates.
"The retrieval feature for electronic voting machines is required by state law
in case an early voter dies before Election Day. A voter must be alive on
Election Day for the vote to count. Fayette's recount is apparently the first
time the retrieval feature has been used to cancel votes in a recount.
"I've heard people say they won't vote early again because they know we can know
how they voted," Sudhoff said. 'The state needs to look at that.'"
Bev Harris
Founder - Black Box Voting
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