[EL] EVT/WOTE'12 in Bellevue, WA (6-7 August)

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joehall at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 13:11:22 PDT 2012

Many of you know that EVT/WOTE is an important venue for academic
voting technology scholarship.  It is held in conjunction with the
USENIX Security conference and this year is 6-7 August in Bellevue,
WA. The program for this year, though not complete, is up:


Dana Chisnell (UsabilityWorks) is one of our invited speakers and I
suspect she'll school us on election usability and talk a bit about
her dynamite field guides project.  We'll also have Diego Aranha
(University of Brasilia) speak about vulnerabilities in the Brazilian
voting system. In a late-breaking addition to the program, we're
honored to have LA County head honcho Dean Logan keynote the event.

Of course, as always, there will be a ton of new research results,
stimulating conversation and the not-to-be-missed rump session (a
session of short presentations that start off serious and about new
results and ends with hilarity and crazy ideas...).

Anyway, it's going to be fun and I hope to see you there...

best, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Media, Culture and Communication
New York University

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