[EL] “The Anti-ALEC alliance: Group at heart of anti-conservative crusade is shadowy organization funded by leftwing millionaires and ``billionaires”

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Thu Jun 14 08:58:57 PDT 2012

Just reporting Joe?  You don't think that the implication of the article 
is that the funders should be disclosed?  Here's a piece of it:

    Matthew Vadum, who investigates foundations for the Capital Research
    Center, said the Democracy Alliance is “very secret.”

    “They’re not required to file a 990 IRS form because they’re not a
    tax-exempt non-profit,” Vadum said. “And the money doesn’t pass
    through their hands anyway. It’s what some people call a ‘donors’
    collaborative’ for wealthy left-wingers.”

I believe the same rules for disclosure should apply to the left and 
right.  I want to see disclosure of election-related funding, as well as 
disclosure of funding for lobbying activities---regardless of the 
ideological position of those buying the ads.

On 6/14/2012 8:53 AM, Joe La Rue wrote:
> Referring to the Washington Free Beacon article about the alliance 
> trying to dismantle ALEC, Rick wrote that "the right wants disclosure 
> of funding for issue advocacy." As you might imagine, I support ALEC 
> and hate what's happening to them. But I'm also opposed to disclosure 
> for issue advocacy. So I quickly clicked the link to find out which 
> conservatives are pushing for disclosure of issue advocacy donors. 
> And, unless I'm missing it, the article doesn't say that any are. 
> Rather, the Free Beacon has reported that secret money is funding the 
> effort, with no call that it be disclosed. It's simply reporting, 
> which I think is fair for conservatives to do.
> It's surprising, though, that /reformers/ haven't demanded that the 
> money being given to ProgressNow and Democracy Alliance be disclosed. 
> I would expect reformers to make that demand, if they /really /are 
> concerned about /disclosure/, and not just disclosure of the funding 
> of GOP and conservative-leaning advocacy. But unless I've missed it, 
> the usual reformer groups are completely silent on this one.
> Joe
> ___________________
> *Joseph E. La Rue*
> cell: 480.272.2715
> email: joseph.e.larue at gmail.com <mailto:joseph.e.larue at gmail.com>
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Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
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rhasen at law.uci.edu
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