[EL] Serious Question About Knox v. SEIU

Estelle Rogers erogers at projectvote.org
Fri Jun 22 09:00:28 PDT 2012

Also by Benjamin Sachs:

Friday, June 22, 2012
Supreme Court Ruling Hampers Unions’ Political Speech

Guest post by Professor Benjamin Sachs

Until yesterday, it was voters and legislators who got to decide  
whether they wanted to live in a right-to-work state.  With Knox v.  
SEIU, the Supreme Court began to assume that decision-making  
responsibility for the rest of us.  At least when it comes to the  
public sector, Knox takes a giant step in the direction of holding  
that any rule requiring employees to pay their fair share of the  
collective bargaining bill is unconstitutional.  That’s a dramatic  
departure from prior precedent.  It’s a striking example of judicial  
activism.  And it’s potentially an existential threat to public sector  

The trouble comes primarily from two components of the Court’s  
opinion.  The first is the Court’s newfound skepticism about the  
sufficiency of free-rider arguments for First Amendment challenges in  
the public employment context.  The second is the Court’s new  
insistence – at least in certain circumstances – on “opt-in”  
arrangements in the union dues setting.  If there’s any good news  
about Knox, it’s that most of the worst parts of the opinion are  
dicta.  That means the case does not give lower courts the latitude to  
impose a right-to-work regime – one in which any and all mandatory  
dues payments are illegal – on the nation’s public sector workforce.

But before we get into the opinion in earnest, some brief background  
is in order.

A good number of states have decided that collective bargaining can be  
in the interests of the public.  In these states, where public  
employees vote to form a union, the employer has an obligation to  
bargain with the union.  But the union also has an obligation –  
namely, to represent all the workers in the bargaining unit whether or  
not those workers choose to become union members.  To make sure that  
each worker pays her fair share of the costs of representation, and to  
ensure that nobody gets to free ride on the dues paid by others, state  
governments allow employers to require everybody in the unit pay dues.

Over the years, the Supreme Court has crafted a doctrine to structure  
and police these mandatory dues arrangements.  The basic rule has been  
this: in order to avoid the free-rider problem, public employers can  
require that employees pay their fair share of the union’s collective  
bargaining and contract administration expenses, but, to avoid a  
compelled political speech and association problem, employees have  
been given a right to opt out of funding the union’s political program.

That’s the background against which Knox is decided.  And although the  
Knox holding addresses a particular accounting procedure that SEIU  
used in California in 2005, the opinion goes far beyond dealing with  
the SEIU assessment. Reaching beyond what was even briefed or argued  
in the case, the five-justice majority casts serious doubt on whether  
a state’s interest in overcoming free riding can any longer justify  
mandatory dues payments in the public sector – even when it comes to  
dues payments for collective bargaining and contract administration.   
As the Court put it, “free-rider arguments . . . are generally  
insufficient to overcome First Amendment objections.”

The Knox Court also questions whether, when it comes to the union’s  
political spending, it is constitutionally sufficient to allow  
objectors to opt out of paying dues or, instead, whether the union  
must secure employees’ affirmative opt-in before spending dues on  
politics.  The Court holds that, with respect to the particular SEIU  
assessment in this case, an opt-in is constitutionally required.  This  
is, in itself, a marked departure from the Court’s longstanding rule  
that opt-outs are constitutionally sufficient.  But here, too, the  
Court’s language goes beyond what was necessary to rule on the SEIU  
matter.  As the concurring and dissenting opinions point out, the  
Court’s reasoning on the constitutional permissibility of opt-out  
agreements would seem to extend to all mandatory dues arrangements.

To be clear, if opt-in arrangements are the only constitutional ones,  
that means that all forms of mandatory dues arrangements are  
unconstitutional.  So, jettisoning the free-rider rationale or  
striking down opt-out agreements will have the same effect – it’ll be  
right-to-work in the public sector.

These pieces of the Knox decision are troubling, but the Court’s  
increasing constitutional skepticism about mandatory union dues raises  
another set of concerns that demands attention.  In particular, the  
Court’s concern for avoiding compelled funding of union political  
speech stands in stark contrast to the lack of concern for compelled  
funding of corporate political speech.

The contrast is clearest in the public sector.  Here’s how it works:   
The vast majority of people who work for the government – state, local  
and federal employees – are required to make contributions to a  
pension plan.  Public pensions, moreover, are defined benefit plans,  
which means that employees don’t have any say in how their mandatory  
contributions are invested.  Not surprisingly, pension plans invest  
employee contributions heavily in corporate securities: in 2008, for  
example, public pensions held about $1.15 trillion in corporate stock.

In Citizens United, of course, the Supreme Court held that  
corporations have a First Amendment right to fund electoral  
expenditures with general corporate treasuries, and corporations are  
taking ample advantage of the opportunity.  So, if you’re a public  
employee in California or New York or Arkansas (or nearly any other  
state), it is now a condition of your employment that you make pension  
contributions that can be used to finance corporate political  
advertisements.  If the Court means what it says about compelled union  
political speech and association, it has to see that this compelled  
corporate political speech and association is similarly  

The problem, though, isn’t restricted to the public sector.  The  
Supreme Court, in a case called CWA v. Beck, held that the same rules  
about mandatory union dues that it crafted for public employee apply  
to private employees.  So, private sector unions are prohibited from  
spending even one dime of general treasury money on politics when  
individual employees object to such use.  In contrast to this union  
rule, however, corporate law permits corporations to spend their  
assets on politics even in the face of individual shareholder  
objections.  To put it simply, the law gives employees the right to  
opt out of funding union political speech, but shareholders get no  
right to opt out of funding corporate political speech.

This kind of differential treatment of political speakers is  
inconsistent with the American ideal of treating political speakers  
equally.  Indeed, imposing stricter rules on unions than corporations  
may well be a constitutional problem, even in the private sector,  
unless there’s a valid reason for treating unions and corporations  
differently in this context.  And although space doesn’t permit me to  
make the case here, I have argued elsewhere that unions and  
corporations are analogous in the ways that matter most for this  

In short, taking seriously the arguments in Knox and the Court’s other  
cases about compelled political speech and association means extending  
these principles beyond the union context and to the corporate one.   
This kind of extension of Knox would not only be faithful to the  
Constitution, it would help restore some balance to a currently  
unbalanced compelled speech and association doctrine.


Benjamin Sachs is a professor at Harvard Law School where he teaches  
labor law. He is author, most recently, of Unions, Corporations, and  
Political Opt-Out Rights after Citizens United (Columbia Law Review  

Estelle H. Rogers, Esq.
Legislative Director
Project Vote
202-546-4173, ext. 310

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On Jun 22, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Liptak, Adam wrote:

This interesting article by Benjamin Sachs in the Columbia Law Review  
explores these questions:


From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu [law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
] On Behalf Of Samuel Bagenstos [sbagen at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 9:57 AM
To: richardwinger at yahoo.com
Cc: law-election at uci.edu
Subject: Re: [EL] Serious Question About Knox v. SEIU

Maybe.  But (a) maybe every insurance company in my state is engaged  
in some ideological/political expenditures (if not all on the same  
side or the same issue), and I'd just prefer that my money go to  
paying claims and associated administrative expenses rather than  
subsidizing political speech on issues that I have not made my own;  
and (b) I don't necessarily have to work in the public sector, not all  
public sector jobs are unionized, and not all unionized public sector  
jobs are represented by the same union.  If I don't like AFT, I can  
work as a teacher in a private school (where, if I have a union, it  
won't be a public sector one), or a charter school (where if I try to  
unionize they'll fire me for sure!), or I can work in a next-door  
district represented by NEA.

Samuel R. Bagenstos
Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
625 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI  48109
sambagen at umich.edu<mailto:sambagen at umich.edu>
Twitter: @sbagen

On Jun 22, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Richard Winger wrote:

I think the problem with this very thoughtful analogy is that you have  
a choice of auto insurance companies, and a choice of health insurance  
companies.  But if you are a worker in a union shop, you don't have a  
choice of labor unions; there is only one.

Richard Winger
PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147

--- On Fri, 6/22/12, Samuel Bagenstos <sbagen at gmail.com<mailto:sbagen at gmail.com 
 >> wrote:

From: Samuel Bagenstos <sbagen at gmail.com<mailto:sbagen at gmail.com>>
Subject: [EL] Serious Question About Knox v. SEIU
To: law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
Date: Friday, June 22, 2012, 6:44 AM

Yesterday's decision in Knox v. SEIU, and particularly the broad dicta  
in the majority opinion, lead me to ask the following question:  If I  
live in a state where (a) state law requires me to buy liability  
insurance as a condition of registering a car, and (b) some or all of  
the auto insurance companies in my state spend money to advocate for  
or against ballot propositions regarding insurance regulation, am I  
constitutionally entitled to a rebate of the portion of my premium  
that went to such expenditures?  Is the insurance company required to  
make a Hudson-style disclosure of its political and ideological  
expenditures so I can opt out?

There could be an easy or obvious answer to this question, but I am  
interested in others' thoughts.

Samuel R. Bagenstos
Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
625 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI  48109
sambagen at umich.edu<x-msg://759/mc/compose?to=sambagen@umich.edu>
Twitter: @sbagen

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