[EL] latest on Pennsylvania Electoral Votes

Goldfeder, Jerry H. jgoldfeder at stroock.com
Sat Mar 17 12:34:50 PDT 2012

The sponsor put it on the "back burner" so that they could focus on budget issues. Richard is right; the was several months ago.

Jerry H. Goldfeder
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan
180 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
JGoldfeder at Stroock.com<mailto:JGoldfeder at Stroock.com>

On Mar 17, 2012, at 3:32 PM, "Richard Winger" <richardwinger at yahoo.com<mailto:richardwinger at yahoo.com>> wrote:

The last I heard, many months ago, was that enough Republican legislators had said publicly that they would not vote for that bill, to guarantee that the bill would fail.  So the author gave up on the bill.

Richard Winger
PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147

--- On Sat, 3/17/12, David A. Schultz <dschultz at gw.hamline.edu<mailto:dschultz at gw.hamline.edu>> wrote:

From: David A. Schultz <dschultz at gw.hamline.edu<mailto:dschultz at gw.hamline.edu>>
Subject: [EL] latest on Pennsylvania Electoral Votes
To: law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
Date: Saturday, March 17, 2012, 11:21 AM

Hi all:

What is the latest news on how Pennsylvania will allocate its electoral votes in 2012?  Has it changed from winner-take-all and if so, to what?  I have not seen anything in the news recently.

Thank you.

David Schultz, Professor
Editor, Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE)
Hamline University
School of Business
570 Asbury Street
Suite 308
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
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Twitter: @ProfDSchultz

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