[EL] Q. What happens if a Presidential Candidate raises a billion dollars and does not spend it in the election

dmason12 at gmail.com dmason12 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 04:56:37 PDT 2012

Authorized committees, including non-publicly-funded Presidential committees, with excess funds may transfer the funds to a party committee (without limit), contribute to other campaigns (subject to reduced limits), contribute to charities, retain funds for another run for office, or use them for another lawful purpose other than the personal use of any individual.

There has never been a requirement to donate excess funds, Congress just abolished the limits on party transfers.

Super PACs are not tied to one office, candidacy, or election. Funds not spent by a Super PAC at the end of this election remain available to be spent in connection with campaigns in 2014 or later.

Dave Mason
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Lillie Coney <coney at lillieconey.net>
Sender: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:45:18 
To: Election Law<law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: [EL] Q. What happens if a Presidential Candidate raises a billion
	dollars and does not spend it in the election

I was wondering what would happen if at the end of the election a presidential campaign is unsuccessful,
but has a huge balance in the campaign account. They would have to settle all outstanding bills for the
campaign and submit reports to the FEC, but what if after that there is a significant balance.

In the 1990s Congress addressed this issue by requiring retiring members to donate their surplus campaign 
funds into contributions to their party, other candidates or to charities.  It is my understanding that if a 
candidate was unsuccessful in an election they could retain campaign funds for future election efforts for the 
same office or to seek other offices.  I do not know if these rules still apply today.

I will not venture a guess about what would happen with surplus funds collected by Super Pacs.

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