Goldfeder, Jerry H. jgoldfeder at stroock.com
Tue Sep 25 08:39:35 PDT 2012

The previous question caused a lot of e-mail traffic!  So a full explanation is in order.  And to atone for presenting such a complicated issue, here is a relatively easy one today.  See you on Thursday.

#270DailyQuiz: Who was the most recent presiding officer of the Senate to announce his own election to the Presidency?  [9/24/12]

Answer to previous question:
In what election did the minimum number of electoral college votes necessary for victory become 270? [9/21/12]  1964.    In 1956 there were 531 electoral college votes.  Hawaii and Alaska were admitted to the union, adding 2 House seats and 6 electoral college votes  -- so in 1960, there were 537 electoral college votes.  Then Washington DC got 3 electoral college votes, but the size of the House was brought back down to 435.   Thus, in 1964, there were 538 electoral college votes, needing 270 for a majority for the first time.

Every weekday we will pose a question about presidential politics. I post them on twitter and Facebook, and now by email.  The only rule is that you cannot look it up!  Either you know it, or you will learn the answer the following day.  The prize is intrinsic satisfaction!  Enjoy!

Previous #270DailyQuiz questions can be found on the attachment.

Jerry H. Goldfeder
jgoldfeder at stroock.com<mailto:jgoldfeder at stroock.com>
Follow me on Twitter @JerryGoldfeder
and #270DailyQuiz

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