[EL] Check out N.Y. Lawmakers Charged in Plot to Buy Spot on Mayoral Ball...

Lorraine Minnite lminnite at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 07:57:39 PDT 2013

Mr. Bopp is completely confused about what this case is about.  It has 
nothing to do with campaign contribution limits for mayoral candidates.  
If New York City had no limits at all for mayoral candidates, if New 
York City voters or corporations could give millions of dollars to 
Malcolm Smith or to the Republican Party, it would not have mattered 
here.  What's at issue are Republican Party ballot access rules and 
influence-peddling (more plainly put - bribery) to acquire the support 
of county leaders for yet another registered Democrat to run as their 
mayoral candidate.

On 4/3/2013 10:04 AM, JBoppjr at aol.com wrote:
>     You have hit on the other interesting point about this.  NYC 
> contribution limits for Mayor are $4,950 and less for other offices. 
> Each of the bribees demanded much more. This seems to be further 
> anecdotal evidence that current contribution limits are too low. (See 
> also Congressmen Jefferson and Cunningham)  Jim Bopp
> In a message dated 4/3/2013 9:58:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> margaret.groarke at manhattan.edu writes:
>     Au contraire, we New Yorkers just want to make sure that bribing
>     public officials is affordable! The desire to get one's way
>     shouldn't bankrupt a person.
>     More seriously, the limits we have in NYS are really generous (I
>     would be permitted to donate $41,000 to a gubernatorial candidate
>     in the general election). And these allegations are about
>     donations to parties, about which I don't have the rules handy.
>     But a LOT of things need to change in NY.
>     On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:01 AM, <JBoppjr at aol.com
>     <mailto:JBoppjr at aol.com>> wrote:
>         Click here: N.Y. Lawmakers Charged in Plot to Buy Spot on
>         Mayoral Ballot - NYTimes.com
>         <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/03/nyregion/state-senator-and-city-councilman-accused-of-trying-to-rig-mayors-race.html?hp&_r=0>
>         /Thank goodness NYC has contribution limits.  It has sure
>         fixed the corruption problem there.  Jim *Bopp*/
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