[EL] section 5 and access--response to dan and rick's post

JBoppjr at aol.com JBoppjr at aol.com
Tue Aug 20 05:24:16 PDT 2013

I wonder what the cost is to covered jurisdictions to submit 207, 070  
pointless submissions?  Jim Bopp
In a message dated 8/19/2013 3:12:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mjpitts at iupui.edu writes:

I have great respect for Dan Tokaji and Rick Pildes.   They are smart folks 
and excellent scholars.  And they may well be right  that Section 5 did not 
do a wonderful job of protecting access to the ballot  for minority voters. 
 But I am not convinced of that argument by the  statistics presented in 
their blog post. 
Dan and Rick make their case that Section 5 did not do much  to protect 
access to the ballot primarily by focusing on statistics involving  the 
Department of Justice’s (DOJ) objections to voting changes from 2000 to  2013.  
Using those statistics, they rightly note that (1) the vast  majority of DOJs 
objections during that period did not relate to access issues  but instead 
related to vote dilution issues, such as redistricting plans; and  (2) that as 
a percentage of submissions, objections to access-type changes are  much 
smaller than those related to dilution-type changes. 
Leaving aside the hotly contested issue as to whether  Section 5 served to 
deter covered jurisdictions from adopting changes that  harmed minority 
voters in the first instance, Dan and Rick leave unmentioned  what may well be 
the most important reason Section 5 is currently needed (at  least at the 
statewide level) to protect access for minority voters—the shift  in the 
partisan political dynamic in the covered jurisdictions that has  occurred between 
2000 and now. 
The covered jurisdictions have changed enormously since  2000 in terms of 
the partisan dynamic, going from either solidly Democratic or  mixed to 
solidly Republican.  Take a look at the map at this link from  PEW: 
444189.   What you’ll see is that eight of the States that were fully 
covered by Section  5 (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, 
South Carolina,  Texas) and one of the State’s that was covered in 
substantial part by Section  5 (North Carolina) are now strongly Republican—meaning 
Republicans control all  the levers of state government.  While I couldn’t 
easily locate a map of  what the makeup of the States was in 2000, off the 
top of my head, I recall  that Democrats still retained some control in the 
legislatures of Alabama,  Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and 
Texas; and, in 2000,  Alaska and South Carolina had Democratic governors. 
As many of the access laws that both Dan and Rick and  myself find 
troublesome originate in States dominated by Republicans, the new,  relatively 
recent, political dynamic of the South would likely enhance the  current need for 
Section 5.  Indeed, the very recent history of  Section 5 litigation over 
access changes by State governments (Texas and South  Carolina photo ID; 
Florida early voting)—where DOJ was successful—would seem  to be much more 
indicative of the importance of Section 5 to access issues  than rates of DOJ 
objections from 2000 to present. 
To be sure, Dan and Rick may have made the case that there  is no need for 
Section 5 coverage of access changes on the local  level.  In the present 
day and age, there probably isn’t the need for  Section 5 review of every 
precinct and polling place change in every county,  city and school district 
within the covered jurisdictions.  That’s not to  say that there wouldn’t be 
any problems in this realm, it’s just that the  costs might outweigh the 
benefits of such review. 
Dan and Rick may also well be right that a Supreme Court  hostile to the 
Voting Rights Act might have reduced Section 5’s effectiveness  in blocking 
problematic access laws passed by the covered  jurisdictions—although somewhat 
interestingly, in many of the recent Section 5  cases, Republican judicial 
appointees in the lower courts often embraced the  Department of Justice’s 
arguments.  Even so, at least the “better” status  quo would have been 
retained in the years leading up to these holdings of the  Supreme Court. 
In sum, while the statistics used by Dan and Rick to make  their argument 
are something worthy of consideration, I don’t think these  statistics fairly 
reflect the whole story about Section 5’s current import to  access issues 
in light of the tremendous partisan realignment that has  occurred in the 
covered jurisdictions over the course of the same exact time  period that Dan 
and Rick focus upon. 
Michael  J. Pitts 
Professor  of Law & Dean's Fellow 
Chair,  Faculty Recruitment Committee 
Indiana  University Robert H. McKinney School of Law 
530  West New York Street 
Indianapolis,  IN 46202 
mjpitts at iupui.edu 
Webpage:  http://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/~mjpitts 
From:  law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu  
[mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of  Rick Hasen
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 12:23 PM
To:  law-election at UCI.edu
Subject: [EL] ELB News and Commentary  8/19/13

_What Did VRA Preclearance Actually  Do?: The Gap Between Perception and 
Reality_ (http://electionlawblog.org/?p=54521)  
Posted on _August 19,  2013 4:39 am_ (http://electionlawblog.org/?p=54521)  
by _Dan Tokaji_ (http://electionlawblog.org/?author=5)   
By Rick Pildes & Dan  Tokaji
A widespread perception exists that, in the years before the Court’s  
decision in Shelby County v. Holder, the Section 5 preclearance regime  was a 
powerful tool in protecting access to the ballot box for minority  voters.  
Indeed, Section 5 is widely thought to have been overwhelmingly  about 
protecting access in the covered areas:  that is part of it  symbolic meaning.  On 
this view, Section 5 was a bulwark against laws  like the one _just  signed 
by North Carolina’s governor_ 
(http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/pat-mccrory-voting-law-north-carolina-95462.html)  – which makes voting more 
difficult  for eligible voters by cutting the early voting period, eliminating 
same-day  registration, and other measures. 
But the reality is that Section 5 was rarely used in this way, at least in  
its last three decades.  Section 5 did not, primarily, function to  protect 
access to the ballot box.  Instead, the overwhelming uses of  Section 5 
were to ensure more majority-majority election districts or to stop  at-large 
election systems and other practices believed to weaken minority  voting 
strength.  Some of these uses, especially the compelled creation  of 
majority-minority election districts, are more controversial (even among  conventional “
liberals”) than are robust protections for access to the ballot  box.  Yet 
in practice, _Section  5 was used primarily for redistricting and other 
matters of vote dilution  rather than protecting the right of eligible citizens 
to cast a  vote_ 
(http://www.scotusblog.com/2013/06/shelby-commentary-what-does-the-courts-decision-mean/) . 
A better-informed understanding of what the Section 4/5 preclearance regime 
 did and did not do before Shelby County is needed to shed appropriate  
light on possible directions for policy changes in the wake of the Court’s  
decision.  In addition, the assumption that Section 5 would have been an  
effective tool to block emerging barriers to political participation, if not  for 
Shelby County, is more complicated than often recognized.  To  fully 
protect access to the ballot box for eligible voters, policies  structured 
differently than Section 5 would have been necessary in any  event. 
At the end of this post is a table with the full data on Section 5  
submissions and objections from 2000 to 2012.  These data are drawn from  the 
_Department of  Justice’s website_ 
(http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/vot/sec_5/obj_activ.php)  and a very useful search tool on _the Lawyers’  Committee for 
Civil Rights’ website_ (http://www.lawyerscommittee.org/projects/section_5) 
.  2000 is an especially  appropriate starting point, because it coincides 
with the period during which  issues of election administration became a 
prominent public concern, starting  with Florida’s contested presidential 
election and Bush v. Gore.   If barriers to participation were a common subject of 
DOJ attention and  concern, we would expect to see a lot of that concern 
manifested in this  period. But in fact, we don’t. 
Briefly summarized, the data show this: Redistricting changes generated  
vastly more objections than any other category – more than half of all  
objections DOJ made since 2000 (39 of 76).  That number was almost twice  as high 
as the next-highest category, Method of Election (20), which includes  
various forms of vote dilution (such at-large elections and the number of  seats 
on a multi-member body), but not vote denial. 
Similarly, redistricting and Method of Election changes were also the top  
two uses of Section 5 when it comes to the percentage of submissions  
yielding an objection.  DOJ objected to 0.94% of Redistricting  changes.  These 
changes were more than ten times as likely to generate an  objection as Voter 
Registration/Qualifications changes, which yielded just  five objections 
from 2000 to 2012.  Redistricting changes were more than  350 times as likely 
to generate an objection as Polling Place/Absentee &  Early Voting Locations 
changes (just one objection).  The “Miscellaneous”  category, which 
includes “Absentee voting,” “Ballot format,” “Election  administration” and “
Voter assistance procedures,” did not yield any  objections. 
In sum, rules governing access to the ballot box and election  
administration were rarely the subjects of Section 5 objections from 2000 on  (the 
overall pattern is the same during the Clinton years).   But we  were also 
concerned that formal objections do not tell the whole story about  the 
effectiveness of preclearance.   While DOJ objected to a very  small percentage of the 
changes it received, it more frequently requested more  information from 
the jurisdiction seeking preclearance.  Sometimes, these  requests for more 
information (MIRs) resulted in alterations to or withdrawal  of the proposed 
voting changes.  So what does adding these MIRs into the  picture show about 
how Section 5 was actually used?  Does it change  anything from what the 
record of formal objections shows? 
The answer is no.  Luis Ricardo Fraga and Maria Lizet Ocampo have  
published the _most  extensive study of more information requests (MIRs_ 
(http://www.law.berkeley.edu/files/ch_3_fraga_ocampo_3-9-07.pdf) ).  They show that  
the pattern of MIRs is essentially the same as that with formal  objections:  
Redistricting and Method of Election were the two largest  sources of MIRs. 
Between 1982 and 2005, DOJ requested more information for  about 3.5% of all 
voting changes. For voting changes categorized as  Redistricting, however, 
the DOJ issued an MIR 14.2% of the time (to 1,234 out  of a total of 8,694 
submissions).  For “Method of Election” changes, DOJ  issued an MIR 18.5% of 
the time (on 2,728 of 14,780 submissions).  On the  other hand, for the 
categories associated with vote denial (including Voter  Registration and 
Polling Place changes), DOJ was much less likely to request  more information. 
These data demonstrate the disjunction between perception and reality when  
it comes to what the preclearance regime was actually doing before Shelby  
County.  While new barriers to participation have been a prominent  subject 
of public, legislative, and scholarly concern – and properly so –  Section 
5 in practice had long been about redistricting, at-large elections,  and 
other forms of vote dilution, not about protecting against vote  denial.    
Just very recently, Section 5 had begun to play a role – for the first time 
 in decades – in addressing access-to-the-ballot box issues.  This is  
partly because of a wave of new state laws that impose additional conditions  on 
voting or that cut back recent extensions in ease of access.  In the  last 
year before Shelby County, three important and highly publicized  cases used 
Section 5 in this way.  Federal courts used Section 5 to stop  cutbacks to 
early voting in the five (of 67) covered counties in Florida; to  induce 
changes that softened South Carolina’s voter ID law; and to block  Texas’ 
voter ID law that permitted only exceptionally limited forms of  identification 
to count.  These decisions fuel the perception that  Section 5 was a major 
barrier to new laws that make access to the ballot box  for minority voters 
more difficult. 
But keep in mind, because there has been so little use of Section 5 to  
address these “vote denial” claims, we also have minimal information – and  
virtually none from the Supreme Court – on how effective Section 5 would have  
been in stopping such restrictions in the long run.  The Supreme Court  did 
not pass on the merits of any of these three lower-court  decisions. 
Section 5 was never an all-purpose protection for access to the ballot box: 
 only voting changes that had a distinctly disproportionate impact on 
minority  voters could be blocked.  That left open two huge questions, for this  
Court, that would have arisen even without Shelby County.  How  much of a 
differential impact on minority voters would the Court have required  to block 
the change under Section 5?  And even if there were large  differences in 
impact along racial lines, would this Court have found it  constitutional for 
federal law to block state changes in voting merely because  of disparate 
racial impacts, absent a strong basis in evidence for concluding  that the 
state changes actually had a discriminatory purpose?  Put more  concretely, 
would this Court have upheld Section 5’s use to block cut-backs in  early 
voting in parts of Florida, when similar cutbacks were fine in Ohio  (and, 
indeed, in other parts of Florida)?  Those who view Section 5 as a  (now defunct) 
savior from all newly emerging  barriers to access  implicitly make 
optimistic assumptions not necessarily warranted about what  the Court would have 
done in such cases. 
For all these reasons, Section 5′s bark was bigger than its perceived bite  
when it came to protecting access to the vote.  It might have deterred  
covered jurisdictions from adopting new restrictions on access, though it is  
impossible to know what size any such effect might have been. What’s clear is 
 that Section 5  was rarely used to ask for more information about such  
changes or to stop them  once enacted. 
In the long run, other tools are likely to be more effective at protecting  
access to the ballot box.  Some requiring legislation, some are possible  
through executive action, and some involve the courts. The possibilities  
include, to name just a few: federal efforts to improve voting access through  
measures such as more modern registration systems (using either the 
Elections  Clause or the Spending Clause); federal provision of valid identification 
to  eligible voters who might otherwise lack such identification; greater  
disclosure of information about the performance of voting systems in various 
 states; federal legislation that would establish appropriate, reasonable  
identification requirements for federal elections and pre-empt more 
draconian  state laws; use of state constitutional right-to-vote provisions in  
litigation.  Voting rights advocates should focus on these types of  reforms – 
about which we, and surely others, will have more to say in the  future. 
Section 5 Submissions and Objections, 2000-2012.  

Polling Place/Absentee   & Early Voting  Locations  
Bilingual Procedures  
Method of Election  
Form of Government    (Elective/Appointed)  
Consolidation/Division of Political  Units  
Special Election  
Voting Methods  
Candidate Qualifications  
Voter Registration Procedures/Voter  Qualifications  

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