[EL] about the new Presidential Commission on Election Administration

Doug Hess douglasrhess at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 08:36:13 PST 2013

Regarding the new Presidential Commission on Election Administration
(PCEA perhaps?), in what capacity does such a body exist? Is it
created by executive order? Is it funded out of a pot of money the
White House has for special projects? Or will Congress authorize funds
for it in some manner or have any role in creating it? I assume it has
no authority (other than over some staffing and budget for research,
travel, publication, etc.). Correct?

Just wondering what kind of "animal" these commissions are (or can be).

Douglas R. Hess, PhD
Washington, DC
ph. 202-277-6400
douglasrhess at gmail.com

Starting Aug. 2013:
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Grinnell College
1210 Park Street
Grinnell, IA 50112-1670

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