[EL] election day protection - query

Frank Askin faskin at kinoy.rutgers.edu
Thu Feb 21 12:09:54 PST 2013

               I am still seeking information as to any states which,
like New Jersey,  that provide for Election Day judges being available
to issue Orders to vote to persons rejected at the polls.
	Research to date indicates that New York 9(Sec. 16- 108),
California (Sec. 2142, Election Code), Virginia (Va. Code Ann.  Sec.
24.2-422), and possible Louisiana (La. Election Code 18:113) may provide
	I would like to know if there is any evidence in these states
that such relief is actually provided on Election Days.  I realize that
there may well not be any reported opinions (there are none in New
Jersey but we do have unreported Orders on file); but is there any
anecdotal information?  Are there any organizations that staff the
courthouses on election day to help rejected voters obtain orders to

	And are there any other state which I have missed that fall into
this category?

Prof. Frank Askin
Distinguished Professor of Law       and Director
Constitutional Litigation Clinic
Rutgers Law School/Newark
(973) 353-5687

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