[EL] Establishment of New AALS Section on Election Law

Josh Douglas joshuadouglas at uky.edu
Tue Jun 11 06:47:12 PDT 2013

Dear Fellow Election Law Professors,

Dan Tokaji and I have been exploring the possibility of creating a new AALS
Election Law Section.  We're writing to see if there are any other
professors who would like to be involved.

The process for creating a new section requires the collection of at least
50 signatures from professors from at least 25 schools, which is generally
done in person at the annual meeting.  The AALS has informed us that they
will give us a time slot in the program for the 2014 meeting to accomplish
this, but if want to do this we need to let them know by the end of the

A part of what the AALS will look to in determining whether to certify a
new section is a commitment of scholars in the field to be involved in the
section on an ongoing basis.  We’re therefore writing to get a sense of
your willingness to make such a commitment.  Although Dan and I are both
interested in the creation of a new Election Law section, we both think
that it’s important to have a substantial number of people who are willing
to commit some of their time to it in coming years, if we’re to move

If you have an interest in being a part of this effort, could you please
email back (please do not reply all to the whole election law list)?  Also
let me know if you plan on being at the 2014 Annual Meeting in New York.
 AALS has informed us that we should try to have well above 50 signatures
on our petition, so we'd also like to have a sense of whether we'll be able
to secure enough signatures.  We’d appreciate hearing back from you by June



Joshua A. Douglas
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Kentucky College of Law
620 S. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40506
(859) 257-4935
joshuadouglas at uky.edu
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