[EL] full text of my SCOTUSBlog post`

Rick Hasen hasenr at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 19:58:28 PDT 2013

    The curious disappearance of Boerne and the future jurisprudence of
    voting rights and race <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=52148>

Posted on June 25, 2013 7:17 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=52148> by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

[Cross-posted from SCOTUSBlog 

*The curious disappearance of /Boerne/ and the future jurisprudence of 
voting rights and race*

/Richard L. Hasen publishes Election Law Blog and is //Chancellor's 
Professor of Law and Political Science at UC Irvine. /

A funny thing happened between the Supreme Court's 2009 opinion in 
/NAMUDNO v. Holder 
sidestepping the question of the constitutionality of Section 5 of the 
Voting Rights Act, and the Court's new /Shelby County /decision 
effectively <http://t.co/dWN4s24S00> striking it down on a five-to-four 
basis: the Court majority failed to expressly resolve an open question 
of how to scrutinize Congress's power to enforce the Fifteenth amendment 
in voting rights cases. It is not clear what that means for challenges 
to other voting and civil rights provisions going forward, but the Court 
for now seems to have foreclosed greater deference for voting decisions 
under Congress's Fifteenth amendment powers. That could spell trouble 
for Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, Section 203 of the Act (the 
language provisions), and other laws aimed at preventing race 
discrimination in voting.

In /South Carolina v. Katzenbach 
a case from the 1960s initially upholding the Voting Rights Act Section 
5, the Court endorsed a "rational basis" standard of review which gave 
Congress broad Fifteenth Amendment powers to pass anti-discrimination 
voting laws. That's no surprise: the whole point of the Fifteenth 
Amendment was to stop racial discrimination in voting and it was going 
to take the federal government to bring the former Confederacy into line.

But in/NAMUDNO/, the Court raised the possibility that a line of 
Fourteenth Amendment power cases beginning with /City of Boerne v. 
/could apply now to review of voting rights. The /Boerne/ test is much 
tougher on Congress, requiring that it pass laws burdening states only 
when Congress demonstrates with admissible evidence (to the satisfaction 
of the Court, not itself) that there is evidence of significant 
unconstitutional conduct being undertaken by the states and that the 
means Congress chooses to address it are "congruent and proportional" to 
the constitutional violations.

Here's how the Court sidestepped the issue in /NAMUDNO/:

      The parties do not agree on the standard to apply in deciding
    whether, in light of the foregoing concerns, Congress exceeded its
    Fifteenth Amendment
    enforcement power in extending the preclearance requirements. The
    district argues that " '[t]here must be a congruence and
    proportionality between the injury to be prevented or remedied and
    the means adopted to that end,' " Brief for Appellant 31, quoting
    /City of Boerne/ v. /Flores/, 521 U. S. 507
    <http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct-cgi/get-us-cite?521+507>, 520
    (1997) ; the Federal Government asserts that it is enough that the
    legislation be a " 'rational means to effectuate the constitutional
    prohibition,' " Brief for Federal Appellee 6, quoting /Katzenbach/,
    /supra/, at 324. That question has been extensively briefed in this
    case, but we need not resolve it. The Act's preclearance
    requirements and its coverage formula raise serious constitutional
    questions under either test.

Perhaps the biggest surprise of /Shelby County/ is that the majority 
purported to ignore this /Boerne /issue. The majority does not even 
/cite/ to /Boerne/ even though this has been a key issue involving the 
constitutionality of Section 5 for years.  (I first wrote about the 
issue in 2005 
<http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=561241>, even before 
the 2006 renewal.) Here's all that the Court has to say in /Shelby 
County /on the standard of review, in its first footnote: "Both the 
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were at issue in /Northwest Austin/ 
. . . and accordingly /Northwest Austin/ guides our review under both 
Amendments in this case."

The failure to set the standard of review is no mere oversight by Chief 
Justice Roberts. The footnote appears deliberately inscrutable: the 
Court sidesteps an issue about the standard of review in Case 1, and in 
Case 2 the Court endorses Case 1's analysis of the standard of review. 
And the rest of the opinion is not helpful either: the equal federal 
sovereignty analysis which the Court uses to kill Section 5 of the VRA 
is a /Bush v. Gore/-like one-day-only ticket.  Few other voting laws fit 
this pattern (though one could imagine the language provisions of the 
Voting Rights Act in Section 203 falling under this analysis).

I presume the Chief Justice obfuscated the standard of review in this 
case as a time bomb <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=51773>: in a future 
case he could cite to /NAMUDNO/ and /Shelby County /fn. 1 for the 
proposition that the Court has held that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth 
amendment standards are the same, and then bootstrapping the /Boerne/ 
standard into a Fifteenth Amendment case. Saying so directly would have 
made today's controversial decision even more provocative than it is; 
obfuscation better serves the Chief Justice's attempt to portray his 
decision as an act of judicial modesty rather than a radical restricting 
on Congress's power against the states (more on that in my op-ed for 
/The/ /New York Times/). A future opinion can still look back on the 
obscure footnote as having resolved a key issue. The time bomb explodes 

If that prediction's right, then I expect to see new challenges to 
Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (which applies nationwide) and other 
voting laws on grounds they exceed Congress's Fourteenth and Fifteenth 
Amendment voting powers. (Watch as conservatives move the goalposts 
here: a key argument against Section 5 was that it was not needed thanks 
to Section 2.  But now that Section 5 has fallen, I expect lawsuits to 
next challenge the constitutionality of Section 2.)

How successful these new attacks on voting rights are likely to be 
depends upon the future of the Court.  Liberals have to hope that the 
slow moving train of conservative jurisprudence will move slowly enough 
to await the departure of Justice Kennedy or Justice Scalia 
during the administration of a Democratic president, at which point the 
liberal Justices can turn the train around and rightly proclaim that 
/Shelby County/ never expressly endorsed the tough /Boerne/ standard for 
voting cases.

Posted in /Shelby County v. Holder 
Merits Cases <http://www.scotusblog.com/category/merits-cases/>, The 
Court and the Voting Rights Act 

*Recommended Citation:* Rick Hasen, /The curious disappearance of 
/Boerne/ and the future jurisprudence of voting rights and race/, 
SCOTUSblog (Jun. 25, 2013, 7:10 PM), 

Posted in Supreme Court <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=29>, Voting 
Rights Act <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=15> | Comments Off

Rick Hasen
hasenr at gmail.com

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