[EL] Invitation to quiz me on CSPAN's Washington Journal this Sunday / New report

Rob Richie rr at fairvote.org
Fri Nov 8 11:51:55 PST 2013


I'm going to be on CSPAN's Washington Journal on Sunday at 8:45 am
(Eastern(). The focus of the conversation will be on ranked choice voting
(both single winner "instant runoff" and multi-winner "single transferable
vote" forms) and other ideas for addressing the structural gridlock of
Congress. There will be call-in opportunities.

We also are releasing a comprehensive new report on congressional elections
that gets into a lot of issues this list and its members. We have a "sneak
preview" that's part of this description of new content below. It has some
very important analysis.

Finally, in another area of our reform work, our home town of Takoma Park
was a trailblazer in becoming the first of what I will expect to become
many cities to extend voting rights to residents after they turn 16. It
wasn't a very contested election, but the startling fact for me was that
among eligible voters, the newly enfranchised 16- and 17-year-olds had
twice the turnout of residents 18 and up. Among registered voters, they
were four times as likely to vote. A colleague of mine  wrote a blog about
the election and why its makes particular sense for localities:

Best regards,
Rob Richie, FairVote

FairVote's Bold Congressional Reform Agenda Gathers
// November 8, 2013

FairVote's leadership in reforming congressional elections with ranked
choice voting in multimember districts is gathering attention and support:

   - Rob Richie appears on CSPAN's Washington
Journal<http://www.c-span.org/Journal/> on
   November 10.
   - Krist Novoselic narrates a new video
<http://youtu.be/vS62N5b5L7Y> explaining
   our congressional reform plan as a companion to ourReform
   - Rob Richie and Devin McCarthy have published opeds in theWashington
   , Newsday<http://www.newsday.com/opinion/oped/opinion-want-to-fix-washington-change-the-way-we-vote-1.6363166>
   , Cleveland Plain
   andRoanoke Times<http://www.roanoke.com/opinion/commentary/2351438-12/the-best-way-to-slay-virginias-gerrymander.html>
   - See a sneak preview of our trailblazing new report, Monopoly Politics
   2014 and the Fair Voting
   - FairVote's
   the roots of congressional gridlock and the fair voting solution.
   - Ranked choice voting transforms elections

"Respect for Every Vote and Every Voice"

Rob Richie
Executive Director, FairVote
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 610
Takoma Park, MD 20912
rr at fairvote.org  (301) 270-4616

Website: http://www.fairvote.org
Advocacy: http://www.fairvoteaction.org
Campaigns: http://www.promoteourvote.com http://www.representation2020.com
http://www.instantrunoff.com http://www.nationalpopularvote.com

*Donations appreciated*: Consider making a tax-deductible donation at
http://fairvote.org/donate. (For federal employees, our Combined Federal
Campaign number is 10132.) Thank you!
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