[EL] Civic Courage, Indeed

Robert Wechsler catbird at pipeline.com
Sun Nov 24 06:12:09 PST 2013

The New Haven Democracy Fund does not discriminate in any way among 
major parties, minor parties, and independents.


On 11/23/2013 1:14 PM, Richard Winger wrote:
> I don't know how the New Haven public financing system works, but the 
> Connecticut system for public funding for state office promotes a form 
> of corruption.  It provides that the nominees of parties that got 20% 
> for Governor in the last election are entitled to full public funding 
> (if they raise a fairly modest number of small contributions), but an 
> independent candidate, or the nominee of a new party, cannot get any 
> public funding unless the candidate not only gets the contributions, 
> but also submits a petition signed by 10% of the last vote cast.  And 
> to get full public funding, the candidate must submit a petition 
> signed by 20% of the last vote cast.  Former Governor Lowell Weicker 
> testified that if this system had been in place in 1990, when he was 
> elected as a new party nominee, he could not have won.  The corruption 
> engendered by Connecticut public funding is that candidates who would 
> rather run as independent, or as nominees of a new or minor party, are 
> coerced into running as Democratic or Republican nominees.
> Richard Winger
> 415-922-9779
> PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Michael P McDonald <mmcdon at gmu.edu>
> *To:* "law-election at uci.edu" <law-election at uci.edu>
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 23, 2013 10:01 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Civic Courage, Indeed
> Sometimes how people talk past one another illuminates the real issue 
> at stake.
> Rob is talking about a public financing system to increase the speech 
> of small donors, presumably through a contribution matching system.
> Larry is talking about raising campaign contribution restrictions to 
> increase the speech of large donors.
> I would be interested to see if Rob's assertion is true that there is 
> a tradeoff between small and large donors; that is, when public 
> financing systems were changed to allow candidates to pursue more 
> large donor contributions, the number of small donors decreased. If 
> that can be established, the Supreme Court might take a different 
> position if the Justices perceived a trade-off between the speech of 
> small and large donors. The result might also be further 
> experimentation with hybrid public financing systems with the goal to 
> encourage both large and small donations.
> Maybe I am more sympathetic to Rob's position, but I see his comment 
> as pleading with those who think only in terms of campaign 
> contribution limits as restricting speech to join in encouraging 
> speech of all citizens, not just the wealthiest among us. If one 
> really cares about speech, isn't that the compromise point in this debate?
> ============
> Dr. Michael P. McDonald
> Associate Professor
> George Mason University
> 4400 University Drive - 3F4
> Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
> phone:  703-993-4191 (office)
> e-mail: mmcdon at gmu.edu <mailto:mmcdon at gmu.edu>
> web: http://elections.gmu.edu <http://elections.gmu.edu/>
> twitter: @ElectProject
> From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> 
> [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>] On Behalf Of 
> Larry Levine
> Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 12:26 PM
> To: 'Robert Wechsler'; 'Smith, Brad'
> Cc: law-election at uci.edu <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Civic Courage, Indeed
> You sidestep the fact that limiting campaign contributions is limiting 
> speech. It may be justified legally by a higher purpose of fighting 
> corruption. But the end result is that it has limited speech and in 
> turn has restricted the right to redress. And by the way, contribution 
> limits is the father of independent expenditures, which the reform 
> community seems to hate. Simple fact: you will never get rid of the 
> perception of corruption; in the last 40 years we have passed all 
> manner of restrictions and regulations and the perception is worse 
> than ever. There is an American institution devoted to promulgating 
> the perception of corruption. It's comprised of comedians from Will 
> Rogers to Jay Leno and given life by "reformers" who see corruption 
> everywhere and have made an industry of figh 20;Those who would 
> sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." The same can be said 
> of those who would sacrifice speech in quest of the shadow of corruption.
> Larry
> From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> 
> [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>] On Behalf Of 
> Robert Wechsler
> Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:22 AM
> To: Smith, Brad
> Cc: law-election at uci.edu <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Civic Courage, Indeed
> the reform community doesn't bring anything to the table. Each battle 
> they lose in court seems to be nothing but an excuse to seek other, 
> new ways to regulate, intimidate, or otherwise silence speakers. Each 
> battle they lose in the legislatures is merely a temporary setback to 
> their next effort. Even many of the purest reformers will happily ally 
> themselves with any corrupt politician who clearly does simply want to 
> suppress his opposition. They call their opposition "ideologues," but 
> there is one constant in their view - an ideological commitment that 
> things must be regulated.
> Demonizing is not a way to seek compromise and deal effectively with 
> corruption. As a proud member of the reform communit seek new ways to 
> get more speakers, and I have succeeded. While Administrator of the 
> New Haven Democracy Fund, a public campaign financing program, and 
> since I left, both the number of candidates and the number of 
> contributors grew. People who had never thought of making a campaign 
> contribution got involved and made their voices heard.
> Public campaign financing isn't even regulation - it's voluntary. And 
> yet you and your crowd have done what you can to undermine it. We had 
> to change our program to meet the new restrictions on the speech, both 
> of candidates and of contributors, that were imposed by the Supreme 
> Court at your behest. The result was that insider candidates chose not 
> to participate in the program. The program has still been successful, 
> but your efforts undermined speech, and enabled a situation where 
> contractors and developers (who don't give to outsider candidates) 
> gave larger contributions and not only helped incumbents and their 
> successors to win elections, but lay environment in the city.
> So don't be such a holier-than-thou demonizer. You are part of the 
> problem, even with respect to what you say you are fighting for. And 
> most of us reformers support a solution that does not involve 
> regulation, intimidation, or the silencing of anyone.
> It's sad that, to justify what you do and the problems you create, you 
> have to demonize others. It's sort of like war, isn't it?
> Rob Wechsler
> City Ethics
> On 11/22/2013 11:37 PM, Smith, Brad wrote:
> "The CCP crowd sees the spending as pure and spontaneous expressions 
> of political views."
> &nb >
> I would not agree with either of the first two adjectives in that 
> sentence. I don't think most of us think these views are always pure, 
> and rarely are they spontaneous.
> "Those who worry about corruption"  . include me and my guess is most 
> of us in the "CCP crowd" (and thank you for the endorsement). The 
> question is the degree of worry, especially when placed against other 
> values and issues, and further, the extent to which efforts to end 
> "corruption" are themselves a source of corruption in the process.< 
> ize:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'>
> "People give or spend because someone asks them to." Of course they 
> do. I'd be shocked if there were disagreement here.
> "That's [preventing corruption] the justification for for coordination 
> rules that identify certain individuals who are unlikely to be or be 
> seen as truly independent, not that certain people's speech is 
> restricted." Of course it is almost always the stated objective, and o 
> ctive. Nevertheless, and even in the latter case, it does restrict 
> certain people's speech.
> "if it was all just donors expressing their views, campaigns wouldn't 
> have to spend 12% of their money and often more than half of their 
> candidate's time on fundraising." This statement is, I think, 
> factually very wrong. Charity Navigator, for example, considers 
> fundraising expenses of just 10-15% to be very good for a charitable 
> enterprise. It cost money to raise money, and to convince people that 
> a cause is worthwhile.
> "But in all but a handful of states, voters and legislators have 
> democratically decided that contribution limits at some level are 
> appropriate,." I think many people feel that the constitution 
> correctly places limits on what democratically elected governments can do.
> "and the Court has agreed." And those people are trying to persuade 
> the Court that it got it wrong.
> &nb >
> "Without coordination rules, those limits are meaningless, and it 
> seems entirely reasonable that prosecutors should enforce those laws."
> I think the objection is that the cost of enforcing those laws - even 
> if they are legitimate - is high, and often not taken into account. 
> Coordination investigations probably offer the greatest possibility in 
> the campaign finance world for abuse of prosecutorial power, and as 
> such they also destroy confidence in government by creating - dare we 
> say it - an appearance of corruption. Even when investigations are 
> properly motivated, they have the potential to particularly suppress 
> la er campaign finance investigations. It is perfectly legitimate to 
> suggest that these are high costs that ought not be ignored. Moreover, 
> it is perfectly predictable that almost every high-profile 
> coordination investigation will raise suspicions of corrupt behavior 
> by prosecutors and complainants. That is why I'm not hearing people 
> say the coordination laws should not be enforced - rather, I am 
> hearing them say that either a) they should not exist, because the 
> benefits are not worth the costs; or b) they should narrowly 
> circumscribed, because otherwise the benefits are not worth the costs.
> Mark essentially argues "it's the law, and it should be enforced." 
> This is not a convincing argumen hould not be the law, and use 
> examples of enforcement to illustrate why it should not be the law.
> The Constitution plainly circumscribes the extent to which government 
> can regulate speech. Some may be more absolutist on that than others, 
> but I don't think anyone on this list would disagree with that basic 
> proposition. The Court has long held that political speech is at the 
> core of the First Amendment. I think most people would agree, in 
> theory if not always in deed, with that statement. It is entirely 
> reasonable, then, that many people will seek to circumscribe the 
> authority of government to regulate political speech generally, and 
> given the particularly intrusive nature of coordination investigations 
> pacity for political and prosecutorial abuse, to limit the reach of 
> such laws, and to point out possible abuses of the law by political 
> partisans and zealous prosecutors, politicians, and bureaucrats.
> I have written that the court is incorrect in allowing contribution 
> limits. But I have also written that the dichotomy between 
> contributions and expenditures is not non-sensical, and given that one 
> rarely wins complete and lasting victories in politics, I could live 
> with a compromised world. Reporters used to like to ask me if it would 
> bother me if Bill Gates gave a candidate a million dollars. My answer 
> was always, "no, but if that were the rule this wouldn't have become 
> my life's w yle='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'>
> Unfortunately, I have seen little indication that the "reform" 
> community is prepared to live with me in a world compromised to both 
> of us. As Mark well knows, because he helped, that community spent 
> hundreds of millions trying to upset the Buckley status quo. It did 
> not seem to occur to them that "Buckley's rotten tree" (to use Burt 
> Neuborne's old phrase), when pushed, might fall in a different 
> direction than they planned. So long as there is a constant effort to 
> expand the reach of campaign finance regulation, there will be 
> pushback, and that pushback is not illegitimate simply because it 
> argues, at times, for changing the law, or because it points out 
> potential abuses of the law.
> Courts, by their nature, can rarely broker a halfway position (Buckley 
> was a valiant effort). I think Mark Scarberry reflects the views of a 
> lot of people on the pro-speech side of the debate when he wrote in 
> this thread:
> "I'm not happy that people with money get to have such a 
> disproportionate impact on elections. . [But] With media of all kinds 
> that have tremendous power to affec cumbency providing such an 
> advantage (including by way of a President's ability to use incumbency 
> to speak in an almost unlimited way to the public and to manipulate 
> information), and with the inevitability that regulation will be used 
> to protect incumbents and others who already have power, I have to 
> come down on the anti-regulation/pro-free speech side."
> When I read that, I hear a guy who would be prepared to compromise, 
> and I think he speaks for many. Within the scholarly community, there 
> is room for compromise. A growing number of pro-reform scholars, for 
> example, agree that there should be significantly higher disclosure 
> thresholds, higher contribution limits (oft and greater sensitivity to 
> speech concerns. But the reform community doesn't bring anything to 
> the table. Each battle they lose in court seems to be nothing but an 
> excuse to seek other, new ways to regulate, intimidate, or otherwise 
> silence speakers. Each battle they lose in the legislatures is merely 
> a temporary setback to their next effort. Even many of the purest 
> reformers will happily ally themselves with any corrupt politician who 
> clearly does simply want to suppress his opposition. They call 
> their opposition "ideologues," but there is one constant in their view 
> - an ideological commitment that things must be regulated. It 
> seems that reformers today, as they have for 40 years, see themselves 
> as just one FEC commissioner, one Supreme Court justice, one scandal 
> away from that total political victory.  That community, however, has 
> lost a lot of ground in the past decade. I suspect that it will soon 
> lose more, unless it can change and come more serious ments of its 
> tormenters.
> Bradley A. Smith
> Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault
>    Professor of Law
> Capital University Law School
> 303 E. Broad St.
> Columbus, OH 43215
> 614.236.6317
> http://law.capital.edu/faculty/bios/bsmith.aspx
> ________________________________________
> From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> 
> [law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>] on behalf of 
> Mark Schmitt [schmitt.mark at gmail.com <mailto:schmitt.mark at gmail.com>]
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 10:04 PM
> To: law-election at uci.edu <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Civic Courage, Indeed
> I've never found "appearance of corruption" to be all that 
> conceptually useful, although i long history in the legal doctrine.
> But it seems that every time one of these arguments disrupts this 
> otherwise placid list, we're really dealing with two totally different 
> conceptions of what happens when people make expenditures and/or 
> contributions intended to affect the outcome of an election: The CCP 
> crowd sees the spending as pure and spontaneous expressions of 
> political views. Those who worry about corruption tend to see 
> transactions: People give or spend because someone asks them to.  
> Anyone who supports contribution limits, even at a much higher level 
> than the current ones, implicitly accepts the basic notion that if an 
> elected official could ask a donor for $10 million, and get it, the 
> prospect of corruption is very high. But what if the transaction takes 
> the form of Bill Burton or Carl Forti making the ask on behalf of 
> Priorities USA or Restore Our Future? In the donor's eyes that's about 
> as close to an ask from Obama or Romney himself as you can get. B ons 
> and their histories with the candidate provide the donor with 
> reassurance that the "independent" message will at least not be at 
> cross-purposes to the campaign itself. With those two assurances, for 
> the donor, there's really no difference between that transaction and a 
> direct contribution to the campaign, other than the amount.
> That's the justification for for coordination rules that identify 
> certain individuals who are unlikely to be or be seen as truly 
> independent, not that certain people's speech is restricted.
> Obviously, there's a mix between contributions/spending that is a pure 
> expression of viewpoint and that which is the result of a transaction 
> with someone who hopes for access to power, and many transactions have 
> a little bit of both. But if it was all just donors expressing their 
> views, campaigns wouldn't have to spend 12% of their money and often 
> andidate's time on fundraising.
> I realize that some on this list would eliminate contribution limits 
> entirely, which would eliminate much of challenge of figuring it what 
> independent expenditures are not really independent. But in all but a 
> handful of states, voters and legislators have democratically decided 
> that contribution limits at some level are appropriate, and the Court 
> has agreed. Without coordination rules, those limits are meaningless, 
> and it seems entirely reasonable that prosecutors should enforce those 
> laws.
> Mark Schmitt
> 202/246-2350
> gchat or Skype: schmitt.mark
> twitter: mschmitt9
> Thank you, Robert, for helping to fill in a few of the details on what 
> I'm sure will be the ever-growing list of Americans who are prohibited 
> from exercising their First Amendment rights based on appearances, or 
> at least the appearances preferred (disfavored?) by the 'reform' 
> community. I look forward to reading about more Americans who need to 
> go on this list. Perhaps it could be cross-referenced with Santa's 
> naughty/nice list?
> Sean Parnell
> President
> Impact Policy Management, LLC
> 6411 Caleb Court
> Alexandria, VA  22315 class=MsoNormal 
> style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto'>571-289-1374 (c)
> sean at impactpolicymanagement.com <mailto:sean at impactpolicymanagement.com>
> From: Robert Wechsler [mailto:catbird at pipeline.com 
> <mailto:catbird at pipeline.com>]
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:01 AM
> To: Scarberry, Mark; sean at impactpolicymanagement.com 
> <mailto:sean at impactpolicymanagement.com>
> Cc: law-election at uci.edu <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Civic Courage, Indeed
> Dear Mark and Sean:
> I think it is too often forgotten that campaign finance is part of 
> government ethics. Therefore, basic government ethics principles can 
> seem foreign to the conversation.
> Both of yo s often don't like each other's politics. In fact, they 
> often don't like each other, period. But that does not make them any 
> less conflicted with respect to their candidate/official sibling. And 
> the public, which does not know the details of any sibling 
> relationship (see all of literature for the complexities involved), 
> sees the same thing no matter what the relationship actually is. And 
> they are right to. Equally, governments are right to create clear 
> conflict rules, rather than basing them on a vague concept of appearance.
> I have never seen a conflict of interest provision that differentiates 
> between siblings that like or agree with their siblings. This equal 
> treatment of siblings, and others, is a basic government ethics 
> principle. It should apply equally in campaign finance.
> Mark asks, "Would a family member be disqualified under this standard 
> from organizing an independ ily member's election?" The family member 
> would still be conflicted, but would coordination still be a concern?
> Well, it could be a fake supporter of an opponent. There are so many 
> fakes in recent elections that this kind of fake would not be 
> surprising. Considering how effective some outside independent groups 
> have been at shooting those they support in the foot, I would argue 
> that a coordinated opposing group would be a clever tactic.
> The other basic concept that seems to be missing here is power. Both 
> of you seem to think that family relationships involve political 
> ideas. No, family relationships tend to involve power. The Cheney 
> sisters' public disagreement is atypical, as are Carville and Matlin.
> With respect to independent groups, the principal issue involving 
> family members is not ideas. The principal issue is family members 
> being seen as coordinating to help one member get elected, to get power.
> I don't share all the views of the sen , but I know that if I were to 
> form a supposedly independent group that took sides in his next 
> election, no one who knew about the relationship would believe there 
> was no coordination. The First Amendment isn't all that relevant here. 
> No one has a First Amendment right to insist he is not coordinating 
> with his stepson when the public reasonably believes that he is 
> coordinating. This is about fraud and making a mockery of rules that 
> are intended to prevent corruption, not about a marketplace of ideas.
> Rob
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