[EL] A word about Richard Coleson

Joe La Rue joseph.e.larue at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 11:16:15 PDT 2014

As someone who worked for Jim and alongside Rich, I want to second what
Steve wrote.  Jim is no doubt the leader of his firm, and if there were no
Jim Bopp there would be no Bopp Law Firm.  He built it (no matter what the
President says), and he took personal risks to make it what it is.  All of
us who believe in less regulation and greater freedom for political speech
owe Jim a debt of gratitude.  Jim is well-known nationally and deserves
every bit of recognition he receives.

Rich, however, labors primarily in the shadows, as do the other attorneys
at the Bopp Law Firm.  But Rich (and his colleagues who work at Bopp Law)
do tremendous work, working with Jim to develop arguments and, of course,
write the briefs that have led to some of the best decisions for free
political speech of the past 20 years or so.  Rich Coleson and the others
who work at the Bopp Law Firm deserve the thanks and cheering of the
pro-freedom community as well.

So I want to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to the entire Bopp
Law Firm.  Jim, Rich, Anita, Randy, Jeff, and Justin--congratulations, and
thank you for your tireless efforts for free political speech.

*Joseph E. La Rue*
cell: 480.272.2715
email: joseph.e.larue at gmail.com

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On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Steve Hoersting <hoersting at gmail.com>wrote:

> With all of the debate going on about *McCutcheon & RNC v. FEC* and its
> importance, I'd like to sound a quick note of congratulations to Richard E.
> Coleson of The Bopp Law Firm, who has worked for decades at Jim's side
> creating constitutional cases many cite as given.
> No locale in the United States -- and this is indisputable -- can be
> credited with originating the restoration of more campaign-finance speech
> than 1 South Sixth Street, Terra Haute, Indiana. If Jim Bopp can be seen as
> the Chairman of campaign-finance's 3M Corporation -- and I believe he can
> -- perhaps Rich Coleson is the quiet chemist who invented the Post-It Note.
> If Jim Bopp is campaign freedom's Steve Jobs, Rich Coleson is its Jonny
> Ive <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Ive>.
> I realize this note of congratulations is a bit out of the way, and some
> will inappropriately roll their eyes while reading it. But as more of
> Rich's career is likely behind him than ahead, I think this note fitting,
> and appreciate the opportunity to say so here.
> Much was done by many in *McCutcheon & RNC v. FEC. A*nd the case was
> aided, to one degree or another, by all involved. But I cannot let the
> moment pass without tipping my proverbial hat to the hard thinking done by
> Richard E. Coleson.
> --
> Stephen M. Hoersting
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