[EL] more McCutcheon/campaign finance: Gerken, Gorod, Hasen

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Tue Apr 8 08:32:24 PDT 2014

    Thomas Alone on Campaign Finance? <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=60206>

Posted on April 8, 2014 8:30 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=60206>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

I have written this oped 
in the /Daily Journal/ (reprinted with permission). It begins:

    Justice Clarence Thomas is not afraid to go it alone at the Supreme
    Court. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the 2010
    case striking down the law preventing business corporations from
    spending money from their general treasury on elections, the vote
    was 8-1 in favor of a disclosure law also challenged by the
    plaintiffs. Thomas also was alone in Doe v. Reed, a 2010 case
    upholding the ability of the state of Washington to make public the
    names of voters signing referendum petitions. Again in Shelby County
    v. Holder, the 2013 blockbuster case preventing Congress from
    enforcing a part of the Voting Rights Act which required states with
    a history of racial discrimination in voting to get approval before
    making changes in their voting rules, Thomas alone would have gone
    farther than the majority. While the majority struck the coverage
    formula of the act, leaving the preclearance provision standing in
    case Congress could enact a new constitutional coverage formula,
    Thomas was ready to strike preclearance, too. "By leaving the
    inevitable conclusion unstated, the Court needlessly prolongs the
    demise of that provision," he wrote.

    But it was somewhat of a surprise last week when Thomas wrote only
    for himself in the McCutcheon campaign finance case, depriving Chief
    Justice John Roberts of a majority opinion. McCutcheon concerned the
    constitutionality of a federal law which limited the total amount of
    money that an individual could donate to all federal candidates for
    office, political parties, and certain political committees in a
    two-year period. Since the 1976 opinion of Buckley v. Valeo, the
    Supreme Court has reviewed challenges to spending limits under
    strict scrutiny, but challenges to campaign contribution limits
    under a laxer "exacting scrutiny" standard.

The piece concludes:

    This time in McCutcheon, Scalia and Kennedy seemed willing to go
    along with some faux judicial restraint. If Thomas had his way, all
    campaign contribution limit laws would be subject to immediate
    challenge and would fall rather quickly. The gradualism of the chief
    justice means that's a project that takes a few more years.

    The chief justice's gradualism also means that the court takes less
    public heat. It is hard to explain to the public how an opinion on
    aggregate contribution limits affects what's left of campaign
    finance law. Lower court application of McCutcheon will take a few
    years, and the heat from the opinion will dissipate. Then, when the
    court is ready, it can deliver the knockout blow. It did that in
    both the voting rights area, first warning
    of the unconstitutionality of the act and then striking it down, and
    in the WRTL-Citizens United sequence as to corporate spending in
    candidate elections.

      Thomas has no interest in faux judicial restraint or a PR effort
    for the benefit of the court. But the other justices seem to be
    warming to the chief justice's velvet glove.

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, Supreme 
Court <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=29>

    Gorod: The False Minimalism of John Roberts

Posted on April 8, 2014 8:24 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=60202>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

The following is a guest post fromBrianne Gorod 
<https://theusconstitution.org/about/people/staff/brianne-gorod> of CAC:

    Chief Justice Roberts' attempt to portray his decision in
    /McCutcheon v. FEC/
    <http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/12-536_e1pf.pdf> as
    minimalist actually shows just how far from minimalist it is. 
    According to the Chief Justice, no one should worry about the
    consequences of the Court's decision because "there are multiple
    alternatives available" that would accomplish the Government's
    asserted interest without, in the majority's view, unnecessarily
    abridging First Amendment rights.  It would be a comforting thought
    if there were any truth to it.  But as Rick has pointed out
    there is no chance that these alternatives will come to pass:
    Congress is not going to pass any new campaign finance laws (this
    Congress barely passes any laws at all, as the Chief surely knows),
    and the FEC is not going to strengthen its enforcement of existing
    laws (Republican commissioners on the FEC are no more in favor of
    campaign finance regulation than Republican members of Congress).

    But what today's Congress would do tells us little, if anything,
    about what the Congress that enacted the aggregate contribution
    limit would have done had it known that the Supreme Court would
    conclude that aggregate contribution limits are unconstitutional. 
    Would it have adopted one or more of the Chief's proposed
    alternatives?  Quite possibly. And that fact illustrates one of the
    most problematic, but also overlooked, aspects of judicial
    review---that it can produce disruptions to democratic preferences
    that are not constitutionally required.

    Judicial review is generally (and rightly) justified as an integral
    part of our constitutional system; it ensures that laws and
    regulations are consistent with our nation's highest law.  In
    /McCutcheon/, the Court's majority claims that the aggregate
    contribution limits cannot stand because they violate the First
    Amendment.  Whether one agrees with that conclusion or not (and as I
    and others
    have written, there are many reasons to disagree with it), most
    would find unobjectionable the general principle that laws that are
    inconsistent with the Constitution should not stand.  But as I have
    written elsewhere
    judicial review often produces disruptions to democratic preferences
    that are /not/ constitutionally required, and that is a much more
    significant problem.

    Judicial review produces these greater-than-necessary democratic
    disruptions because the law the Court declares unconstitutional is
    not automatically replaced with the constitutional alternatives that
    policymakers might have enacted had they known their preferred
    policy was unconstitutional.  Put slightly differently, when
    policymakers enact laws, they do so in reliance on the existing
    state of the law.  They enact some laws and not others based on
    which laws seem necessary to achieve desired policy goals in light
    of other laws already on the books. This is an eminently reasonable
    approach to legislating, except for one problem: when the Court
    strikes down law /Z/ as unconstitutional,s constitutional law /Y /is
    not in place even though policymakers would have enacted it had they
    known law Z was unconstitutional.

    In the case of /McCutcheon/, if the Congress that enacted the
    aggregate contribution limits had known they were unconstitutional,
    it might have enacted other laws to achieve at least some of the
    same effects.  For example, it might have enacted different
    individual contribution limits, or it might have further
    strengthened disclosure laws.  And even if one wonders whether such
    regulations will remain constitutional for long in light of the
    conservative majority's incremental campaign
    to wipe out all but the most innocuous aspects of campaign finance
    regulation, the Chief's list of alternatives suggests that there are
    at least some alternative laws that might survive review by the
    current Court.  But, again, these alternatives are not the law even
    though the Congress that enacted the aggregate contribution limits
    might well have favored such laws had it known the contribution
    limits would fall.  As a result, we have disruptions to democratic
    preferences that the Constitution does not require.

    As I argue at much greater length in my article
    <http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2265455> on this
    topic, these greater-than-necessary democratic disruptions are cause
    for concern, and there are modest steps the Court and Congress can
    both take to avoid these disruptions, or at least ameliorate them
    when they occur. But suffice it to say for present purposes, the
    Chief's list of alternatives should not reassure anyone that the
    Court's decision is a modest one.  Just the opposite.

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, Supreme 
Court <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=29>

    Nondisclosure Disclosure: Giving Lawmakers an Excuse to Ignore the
    Hard Questions <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=60198>

Posted on April 8, 2014 8:03 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=60198>by 
Heather Gerken <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=6>

/Authored by Heather Gerken, Wade Gibson, and Webb Lyons/

On Monday, Bob Bauer offered a characteristically thoughtful and 
generous response 
to a "nondisclosure disclosure" proposal that we pitched in the 
Washington Post 
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/rerouting-the-flow-of-dark-money-into-political-campaigns/2014/04/03/1517ac6e-b906-11e3-9a05-c739f29ccb08_story.html> last 
week. The proposal was a simple one. Any advertisement funded directly 
or indirectly by an organization that does not disclose its donors must 
acknowledge that fact with a simple and truthful disclaimer: "This ad 
was paid for by 'X,' which does not disclose the identity of its 
donors." By requiring organizations that do not disclose their donors to 
acknowledge that fact, we wrote, Congress could provide voters with a 
helpful shorthand and give donors an important choice: put their money 
into transparent organizations (like the parties or Superpacs), or fund 
groups that keep their donors hidden but risk running ads that may not 
persuade cynical voters.

The basic purpose of our proposal is to harness politics to fix 
politics, reducing the value of anonymous outlets and pushing money 
toward transparent ones. But it also solves what we call the 
"whack-a-mole" problem. Our proposal regulates the ad, not the 
organization. As we wrote in the Post, "it doesn't repeat the mistake 
we've continually made in campaign finance: engaging in the regulatory 
equivalent of whack-a-mole by targeting the troublemakers du jour while 
leaving space for new organizations to emerge during the next campaign 

Bauer is skeptical. We take all of his points seriously and agree with 
many of them. We thought it might be helpful, however, to identify the 
main issues on which we disagree.

First, Bauer thinks that the purpose of disclosure is to "bring to the 
audience's attention what they could not fairly be expected to uncover 
for themselves." He agrees that it's appropriate to disclose that "an ad 
was paid for by a specific organization" or that "its content was 
'approved' by a candidate." But, he insists, voters can figure out for 
themselves whether an ad is funded anonymously through an "Internet 
inquiry or a question put directly to the ad sponsor."

We think the task for voters is a good deal harder than he suggests. 
Take a look at the websites for the "Ready for Hillary" Superpac (which 
does disclose its donors) and Karl Rove's "Crossroads GPS" (which 
doesn't). You certainly can't figure out which organization discloses 
its donors from the sites. If you start doing Google searches, you'll 
eventually figure it out because Crossroads GPS is the media's favorite 
target. But for the run-of-the-mill 501(c)(4)? At the very least, you'd 
have to figure out it was a (c)(4) and then figure out what that means 
under the tax code. More importantly, a "transparent" shell organization 
can still be funded by organizations that fail to disclose their donors. 
"Americans for America" may disclose, for instance, that its funding 
comes from "Good People for Good" and "People for Puppies," thus forcing 
voters to follow a money trail that even reporters find complex 
nowadays. We don't think it's fair to expect voters to go through that 
much work every time a 30-second ad flashes across the screen. Why not 
tell voters the simple fact of the matter? Some ads are funded 
anonymously. There's no reason voters shouldn't be able to sort between 
ads funded transparently and ads funded anonymously.

Bauer's concern goes deeper. He worries that our proposal "is crafted to 
suggest that there is information missing that should have been supplied 
and is being withheld." That might be the gloss voters put on the 
disclosure. But our proposal is essentially no different from the "stand 
by your ad" requirement. That requirement demands that the connection 
between the ad and a candidate is identified. Ours demands that the 
connection between the ad and an anonymous donor is identified. Even if 
Bauer is correct that our proposal has normative force, it conveys the 
same message as the (constitutional) "stand by your ad" requirement or, 
indeed, any (constitutional) requirement that certain organizations 
disclose their donors. Like Bauer, we think it's acceptable to require 
501(c)(4)s to disclose the names of their donors. But then surely it's 
acceptable to require 501(c)(4)s to disclose the fact that their donors 
are anonymous. The greater includes the lesser.

Good lawyer that he is, Bauer does not merely chide us for going too 
far, but for not going far enough. He worries that our proposal would 
give legislators unable to enact disclosure requirements an easy way 
out. They could "resort instead to a form of shaming" with "the 'ought' 
. . . replaced by a 'you don't have to but really should.'"

Fair enough. This worry might have kept us up at night a few years ago. 
But now that Congress has proved itself incapable of enacting something 
as basic as disclosure requirements in the wake of the wildly unpopular 
Citizens United, we'd just be happy to give Congress an excuse to do 
something. To do anything, really. Perhaps we should take it as a 
warning sign that we are more cynical about politics than one of the 
most respected and clear-eyed campaign lawyers in the country. Or 
perhaps Bob is just a cheerier, more optimistic soul than any of us.

Finally, Bauer casts doubt on our "whack-a-mole" pitch. "[W]hy should 
Congress not have to consider on its merits each and every form of 
disclosure as it affects different organizations" and create separate 
regulations for each new organization that springs up? Bauer suggest 
that the "most challenging aspect of this proposal is the excuse it 
gives lawmakers to ignore hard questions."

We think this is a feature of our proposal, not a bug. Political 
interests are shape shifters; they take new forms whenever they wish to 
get around a regulatory roadblock. When donors couldn't give the parties 
soft money, they turned to issue ads, then 527s, then Superpacs, then 
501(c)(4)'s. Congress and the FEC have shown themselves utterly 
incapable of keeping up. Given that the politics of the moment prevent 
regulators from answering Bauer's hard question, we're just hoping that 
they'll be able to answer an easy one. Should anonymously funded ads 
disclose that fact? The answer should be yes.

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10> | Tagged 
Bob Bauer <http://electionlawblog.org/?tag=bob-bauer>, Campaign finance 
<http://electionlawblog.org/?tag=campaign-finance-2>, disclosure 
<http://electionlawblog.org/?tag=disclosure>, money and politics 

Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu

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