[EL] Misleading GOP ad (Kyrsten Sinema)

Thomas J. Cares Tom at TomCares.com
Tue Feb 4 11:18:46 PST 2014

If you start at http://sinemaforcongress.com/ , it looks like
perfectly-legitimate political speech to me. I don't think the donate page
is trickery either. Making a sarcastic-negative ________forcongress.___
site for congressional candidates that also seeks contributions to that
candidate's opposing party doesn't seem inappropriate (but rather pretty
much in the spirit of the first amendment).

-Thomas Cares

Sent from my iPhone

On Tuesday, February 4, 2014, Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini at gmail.com>

> If nothing else, the NRCC's disclaimer almost certainly fails to meet the
> requirements of being clear and conspicuous. Language identifying the NRCC
> is entirely outside the white text box and is overlaid on top of a
> photograph. It has the least color contrast of any part of the page, and is
> more difficult to read than any other text.
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:08 PM, <info at arizonaspolitics.com> wrote:
> (One) irony is that the NRCC trumpeted this back in November, and claimed
> that they were doing it because the "targeted" Democratic Representatives
> were "FRAUDS".
> My article: bit.ly/AZp736.
> Did further research and found that all 3 Arizona Dems in swing districts
> were targeted with this.  (www.AnnKirkpatrick.com,
> www.SinemaForCongress.com, and www.RonBarber2014.com)  And, in at least
> one of them, the word "Defeat" does NOT show up when the page comes up at
> 100% zoom.
> The search engine optimization apparently worked well on Rep. Barber.  The
> NRCC site comes up on page 1 of Google (when you search "Ron Barber 2014"),
> and the official site is on page 5.
> My article also lists the 14 Democratic Reps that I was able to find have
> been targeted in this way by the NRCC.
> _____________________
> Mitch Martinson
> www.ArizonasPolitics.com
> 602-799-7025
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [EL] Misleading GOP ad (Kyrsten Sinema)
> From: "Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry at pepperdine.edu>
> Date: Tue, February 04, 2014 10:06 am
> To: "law-election at UCI.edu" <law-election at uci.edu>
> It absolutely is misleading. If the reader misses one word ("Defeat"), the
> reader would think contributions would be used to support the Democrat. You
> don't have to click through to an obviously anti-Sinema site to contribute,
> nor is there any other indication of the ad's true purpose.
> Suppose there had been something conspicuous that would alert the would-be
> contributor, and the ad included a substantive criticism of Sinema. Would
> it be ethical to use the headline to get Sinema supporters to read the rest
> of the ad? My sense is no. It would be different if there were three
> question marks ("???") after the headline.
> Mark Scarberry
> Pepperdine
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Feb 4, 2014, at 7:03 AM, "Joseph Birkenstock" <
> jbirkenstock at capdale.com> wrote:
> >
> > Holy charge-backs, Batman... What's the non-"we're trying to trick
> donors" reason for putting "Kyrsten Sinema for Congress" at the top of that
> webpage?
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > Joseph M. Birkenstock, Esq.
> > Caplin & Drysdale, Chtd.
> > One Thomas Circle, NW
> > Washington, DC 20005
> > (202) 862-7836
> > www.capdale.com/jbirkenstock<http://www.capdale.com/jbirkenstock>
> >
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