[EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/18/14

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Tue Jun 17 20:32:59 PDT 2014

    "Give up trying to stop political lies"

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:29 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62467>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Cincinnati Enquirer editorial 

    Ohio's election law banning lying in political campaigns -- while
    perhaps well-meaning -- is constitutionally questionable and should
    be repealed by the General Assembly as soon as possible.

    We'd love to see candidates stop telling lies. However, the First
    Amendment right to free speech trumps a wish that's simply unattainable.

Posted in campaigns <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=59>

    "Conservatives, after dismantling public financing system, set
    sights on N.C. judiciary" <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62465>

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:27 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62465>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

E&E <http://www.eenews.net/stories/1060001412>:

    The commercial starts like all the political attack ads voters in
    the swing state of North Carolina are used to seeing:
    black-and-white graphics, ominous voice-over, newspaper clippings.

    In less than 10 seconds, though, the spot takes a striking turn.

    "When child molesters sued to stop electronic monitoring of their
    location, a law that let us track child molesters near schools,
    playgrounds, day care centers, Supreme Court Justice Robin Hudson
    sided with the predators," the narrator says over audio of children

    "Justice Robin Hudson, not tough on child molesters."

    Hudson, a Democrat seeking re-election to the state's high court,
    learned of the ad from a friend's email.

    "I was horrified," she recalled. "It was so appalling."

    Aside from being misleading and false, the ad
    <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1gJLCrWJZk> signals the next phase
    in a conservative effort to reshape North Carolina's political
    institutions (/E&E Daily/
    <http://www.eenews.net/eedaily/stories/1060000029/>, May 22). The ad
    attacking Hudson was aired earlier this spring by Justice for All
    NC, a shadowy conservative group.

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, 
campaigns <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=59>, judicial elections 

    "Lawmakers Skeptical on Emails and I.R.S."

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:23 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62463>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

NYT reports. 

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, tax law 
and election law <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=22>

    Oy Vey! Bribery Prosecution Mistrial Declared

Posted on June 17, 2014 7:57 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62460>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Because of Yiddish. 

It's a shonda <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Shonda> I 
tell you.

Posted in bribery <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=54>

    Lyle Denniston Analysis of Susan B. Anthony False Campaign Speech
    Case <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62458>

Posted on June 17, 2014 7:12 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62458>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

at SCOTUSBlog.

Posted in campaigns <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=59>, Supreme Court 

    "Clean elections director seeks full probe of Arizona AG Tom Horne
    over election law complaint" <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62456>

Posted on June 17, 2014 7:11 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62456>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

AP reports. 

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>

    "How the IRS 'lost' Lois Lerner's e-mails"

Posted on June 17, 2014 3:51 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62454>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

/USA Today / 

Posted in tax law and election law <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=22>

    Hillary Clinton Opposes Mandatory Voting But Calls for Automatic
    Voter Registration <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62451>

Posted on June 17, 2014 3:32 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62451>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

 From a CNN town hall 
(no transcript yet):

    *5:55 p.m.:* Asked if there should be mandatory voting, Clinton
    "no," but argued "there should be automatic registration."

    "When a young person turns 18, that young person should be
    registered to vote," she said. "And I deplore the efforts by some to
    restrict the right to vote."

Posted in election administration <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>, 
The Voting Wars <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=60>

    "Latinos and the VRA: A Modern Fix for Modern-Day Discrimination

Posted on June 17, 2014 3:30 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62449>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

New report <http://t.co/DPQTpo6Jau> from MALDEF and NALEO calling on 
Congress to adopt the VRAA.

Posted in Voting Rights Act <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=15>, VRAA 

    "Statement of Vice Chair Ann M. Ravel and Commissioner Ellen L.
    Weintraub on Judicial Review of Deadlocked Commission Votes"

Posted on June 17, 2014 2:22 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62447>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

This <http://eqs.fec.gov/eqsdocsMUR/14044354045.pdf> is very interesting:

    On December 3, 2013, the Commission deadlocked 3-3 on whether to
    find reason to believe that Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies
    ("Crossroads GPS"), a 501(c)(4) "socialw elfare organization,"'
    should have registered and reported as a political committee under
    the Federal Election Campaign Act (the "Act") and Commission
    regulations. As we explained at the time, we believe that, as a
    result of our colleagues' votes in that case, the Commission "failed
    to adhere to its own policy on political committee status or to
    recent judicial decisions finding that policy to be valid and
    constitutional." The complainants then brought suit against
    the Commission for its failure to take action against Crossroads GPS.

    We are writing now to address an issue that arises in the context of
    this litigation, but that has much broader significance^the issue of
    how courts review a 3-3 deadlock at the FEC. In particular, we are
    concerned about the potential that courts will continue to grant
    deference to the perspectives of oniy half of the members of the
    Commission when the Commission has a split vote. This "deadlock
    deference" appears to be unique to the enforcement process at the
    FEC, for reasons that the D.C. Circuit has never fully explained.
    Such deference undermines the bipartisan structure of the agency and
    puts complainants at a unique disadvantage in precisely the process
    where Congress sought to empower them. Moreover, the longstanding
    justifications for granting deference to an administrative
    agency---the presence of subject-matter expertise and the ability to
    craft policy compromises---are entirely absent in the case of a

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, federal 
election commission <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=24>

    "New early voting hours set after federal court ruling"

Posted on June 17, 2014 2:18 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62445>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Columbus Dispatch 

    Ohio voters can cast ballots in person over an 18-hour period for
    the final three days before Election Day.

    Following a federal court order last week, Secretary of State Jon
    Husted set uniform hours today for in-person absentee voting on the
    Saturday, Sunday, and Monday before Election Day, which this year
    falls on Nov. 4. Those hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday,
    Nov. 1; 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 2; and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on
    Monday, Nov. 3.

You can read SOS Husted's order here 

Posted in election administration <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>

    "Scooby Doo" Democrat Gets Out Vote for Thad Cochran Through Church

Posted on June 17, 2014 10:47 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62443>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Very odd 

the Church-PAC connection from the NYT.

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>, 
campaigns <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=59>

    "Koch network adds super PAC to its arsenal, expanding into overt
    political activity" <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62441>

Posted on June 17, 2014 9:07 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62441>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

WaPo reports. 

Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>

    More IRS Mess <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62439>

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:49 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62439>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

IRS Has Lost More Emails 
Review): "It's not just Lois Lerner's emails. The Internal Revenue 
Service says it can't produce emails from six more employees involved in 
the targeting of conservative groups, according to two Republicans 
investigating the scandal."

Megan McArdle 

    As it happens, I used to administer just the sort of e-mail systems
    that the IRS seems to be using. So I fired off a set of queries to
    the IRS about its e-mail system, its archiving policies and how the
    loss of data happened. Many of those queries remain unanswered, but
    I was given some documents that explain how the files could have
    been lost. My conclusion: It is plausible that this was an innocent
    coincidence. But it is only plausible if the IRS is managing its IT
    systems so badly that it is very easy to lose critical records ---
    or for abusive employees to destroy the evidence of their
    misbehavior. A private company under investigation that responded to
    regulators, or a judge, with this sort of explanation rather than
    producing the requested documents would rightly expect to be handed
    an adverse judgment or a whopping fine. This incident should be
    thoroughly investigated, and steps should be taken throughout the
    government to make sure that no similar incident can ever happen again.

Posted in tax law and election law <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=22>

    "Groups Concerned About Judicial Integrity Urge Ninth Circuit to
    Rehear Case Striking Down Judicial Campaign Laws"

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:34 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62437>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Press release 

    Yesterday, the Campaign Legal Center joined with other nonprofit
    groups concerned with the integrity of the courts in filing an
    /amici curiae brief
    urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to review /en
    banc/ /Wolfson v. Concannon/, in which a three-judge circuit panel
    struck down Arizona rules for judicial conduct as applied to
    non-judge candidates, but left those rules standing for incumbent
    judicial candidates.

    The three-judge panel struck down Arizona's ban on judicial
    candidates personally soliciting political contributions, as well as
    its ban on judicial candidates endorsing, speaking in favor of or
    campaigning for non-judicial candidates---but only as these bans
    apply to non-judge candidates.

Posted in judicial elections <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=19>

    "New Report: Voters in 22 States Face New Laws That Could Make
    Voting Harder in November" <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62435>

Posted on June 17, 2014 8:20 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62435>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Press release 

    New voting restrictions developed since 2010 are slated to be in
    place in 22 states this November. In 15 of these states, 2014 will
    be the first federal election with new restrictions in
    effect, according to a report released today
    <http://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/state-voting-2014> by the
    Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.

    Unless the laws are blocked by the courts --- and there are court
    challenges to measures in six of those states --- eligible voters in
    nearly half the country could find it harder to cast a ballot in the
    2014 midterm elections. The new laws range from photo ID
    requirements to early voting cutbacks to voter registration
    restrictions --- all of which could have an impact on voter turnout
    and contribute to confusion at the polls in November.

Posted in election administration <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>, 
The Voting Wars <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=60>, voter id 
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=9>, Voting Rights Act 

    "The Court Bides Its Time in Susan B. Anthony"

Posted on June 17, 2014 7:48 am <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62433>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>

Bauer blogs. 

Posted in campaigns <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=59>, Supreme Court 

    Koch Bros. Move into Disclosing Super PAC Business

Posted on June 16, 2014 7:59 pm <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62431>by 
Rick Hasen <http://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>


Posted in campaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>

Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu

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