[EL] campaign finance question

Dan Meek dan at meek.net
Sat Mar 1 11:26:56 PST 2014

Oregon would require that the contribution be reported within 30 days of 
its receipt.  And the recipient must create and file the paperwork for a 
candidate committee within 3 business days of its receipt.

    *260.005 Definitions.*As used in this chapter:
          (1)(a) "Candidate" means:
              (A) An individual whose name is printed on a ballot, for
    whom a declaration of candidacy, nominating petition or certificate
    of nomination to public office has been filed or whose name is
    expected to be or has been presented, with the individual's consent,
    for nomination or election to public office;
           (B) *An individual who has solicited or received and accepted
    a contribution*, made an expenditure, or given consent to an
    individual, organization, political party or political committee to
    solicit or receive and accept a contribution or make an expenditure
    on the individual's behalf to secure nomination or election to any
    public office at any time, *whether or not the office for which the
    individual will seek nomination or election is known when the
    solicitation is made, the contribution is received and retained or
    the expenditure is made, and **whether or not the name of the
    individual is printed on a ballot*; or

Dan Meek

	503-293-9021 	dan at meek.net <mailto:dan at meek.net>	866-926-9646 fax

On 2/28/2014 6:04 PM, Richard Winger wrote:
How do campaign finance laws (whether state or federal) deal with this 
scenario:  a wealthy individual approaches a non-candidate for public 
elected office, and says, "I think you would be a great state 
representative (or whatever) and I am going to give you a gift of 
$50,000 right now and I want you to use that money to run a campaign for 
state representative."  At that point, the intent of the gift-giver is 
to make a campaign contribution, but there is no public knowledge that 
the potential candidate has even thought about running, nor has the 
potential candidate filled out any declaration of candidacy or 
publicized the idea that he or she might run.
Richard Winger
PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147
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