[EL] "Ready for a surprise? Money DOES equal access in Washington"

JBoppjr at aol.com JBoppjr at aol.com
Tue Mar 11 12:07:44 PDT 2014

Regarding this:
(In fact, reading it more  closely, it only even shows that money buys 
access from Democrats – not to be  partisan, just to illustrate the point).
Maybe that is why it is mainly Democrats who scream about corruption from  
campaign contributions -- it is called projection.  Jim Bopp
In a message dated 3/11/2014 3:00:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
Eric.Lycan at steptoe-johnson.com writes:

It  seems to be an interesting study, but not terribly convincing or 
To  the extent it shows that money buys access, it does not show that only  
money buys access, or even that money buys access in greater degree than do 
 other factors.  (In fact, reading it more closely, it only  even shows 
that money buys access from Democrats – not to be partisan, just to  illustrate 
the point).  For example, would emails  differentiating between “local 
constituents” and “local constituents who are  veterans of military conflict” 
or “local constituents who are crippled  children” have produced a 
statistically significant result? 
Many  factors could produce that same statistical result, such as 
identifying  factors like “labor union” or “church group”, but that does not equate 
to  “corruption”. 
Eric  Lycan
Steptoe  & Johnson PLLC
One Paragon Centre
2525 Harrodsburg Road, Suite  300
Lexington, KY 40504
O: 859-219-8213 F: 304-933-8715 C:  859-621-8888  
Eric.Lycan at Steptoe-Johnson.com
_www.steptoe-johnson.com_ (http://www.steptoe-johnson.com/)    
From:  law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu  
[mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of  Rick Hasen
Sent: Tuesday, March 11,  2014 2:22 PM
To: Joe La Rue; law-election at uci.edu
Subject:  Re: [EL] "Ready for a surprise? Money DOES equal access in  

There is another view,  which is that the Court was wrong in writing that 
in Citizens United, and the  equation of access with corruption in McConnell 
(and other cases was  correct).
Things may change once the Supreme Court changes. That is, the  definition 
of "corruption' depends upon what 5 Justices of the Supreme Court  says it 

On 3/11/2014 11:19 AM, Joe La Rue  wrote:

But access  DOES NOT equal real or apparent corruption, which as we all 
know is the  only constitutionally cognizable interest in limiting 
contributions or  expenditures.  Indeed, "The fact that speakers may have influence over 
 or access to elected officials does not mean that these officials are  
corrupt."  Citizens  United v. FEC, 130 S.Ct. 876, 910  (2010).  

Whether  legislators should  give greater access to those who make 
contributions or  expenditures is a fair question.  Perhaps we should organize a 
petition  to require the House and Senate to change their rules  to require 
their members to meet with anyone and everyone who requests  a meeting.  Of 
course, that would likely keep the members of the  legislature from 
legislating, which would keep them from spending money  we don't have on projects we 
don't need.

Now that you  mention it, where do I sign that petition?


Joseph  E. La Rue
cell: 480.272.2715 
email: _joseph.e.larue at gmail.com_ (mailto:joseph.e.larue at gmail.com) 

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Rick Hasen
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