[EL] "How to waste 10 million dollars"
Steve Klein
stephen.klein.esq at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 10:50:36 PST 2014
I suspect that non-binding local resolutions aren't going to draw the
discussion of elections that actually matter, of which there were quite a
few on Tuesday. Perhaps that's the idea behind Move to Amend's strategy?
The Lowell, Mass. referendum
legislators to:
"vote for a resolution calling up Congress to propose an amendment
affirming that 1.) rights protected under the Constitution are the rights
of natural persons only and 2.) both Congress and the states may place
limits on political contributions and political spending"
... I further suspect that with no counter to this, like, say, "Congress
could then go back to banning documentary films," the average Jane and Joe
are easily swayed by these platitudes.
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Tyler Creighton <tyler at rethinkmedia.org>
> How do you explain away all of the voters that expressly voted for
> campaign finance reform? To name a few, Arkansas voters
> <http://www.governing.com/topics/elections/gov-arkansas-voters-term-limits-ballot.html>
> pass ban on lobbyists gifts and direct corporate & union contributions to
> candidates. Voters in Tallahassee
> <http://daily.represent.us/anti-corruption-movement-scores-major-victory-polls>
> passed an anti-corruption measure limiting campaign contributions and
> establishing public financing. Voters in Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois,
> Wisconsin, and Florida
> <https://movetoamend.org/press-release/election-shows-americans-ready-amend-constitution> overwhelmingly
> pass ballot questions calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn
> Citizens United. More on Massachusetts
> <http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingnews/ci_26874800/referendum-corporate-political-spending-passes-mass>
> and Wisconsin <http://scwmta.org/?p=2139> ballot questions.
> *Tyler Creighton* | tyler at rethinkmedia.org | Media Associate
> ReThink Media <http://rethinkmedia.org> | (202) 449-6960 office | (925)
> 548-2189 mobile
> @ReThinkDemocrcy <https://twitter.com/rethinkdemocrcy> | @ReThink_Media
> <https://twitter.com/rethink_media> | @TylerCreighton
> <http://www.twitter.com/tylercreighton>
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Joe Trotter <jtrotter at campaignfreedom.org>
> wrote:
>> Just a heads up, if you are interested in seeing how candidates supported
>> by groups primarily concerned with money in politics this election cycle,
>> Byron Tau and Ken Vogel wrote a great piece, "How to waste 10 million
>> dollars
>> <http://www.politico.com/story/2014/11/2014-elections-mayday-pac-larry-lessig-112617.html>."
>> Additionally, if you haven't seen it, CCP released an analysis of
>> candidates supported by MayDay PAC, which is available here
>> <http://www.campaignfreedom.org/2014/11/05/mayday-pacs-candidates-sink/>.
>> It is always great to see new people and groups exposing voters to their
>> ideas and always interesting to see how well received those ideas are by
>> the electorate.
>> Joe Trotter
>> Center for Competitive Politics
>> 124 S. West St., Ste. 201
>> Alexandria, VA 22314
>> www.CampaignFreedom.org
>> jtrotter at campaignfreedom.org
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Steve Klein
Staff Attorney & Research Counsel*
Wyoming Liberty Group
**Licensed to practice law in Illinois. Counsel to the Wyoming Liberty
Group pursuant to Rule 5.5(d) of the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct.*
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