[EL] Law-election Digest, Vol 52, Issue 18

Thomas J. Cares Tom at TomCares.com
Wed Aug 12 17:39:44 PDT 2015

Makes me think of this email recently sent out by MoveOn:

*Take the pledge: Commit to withholding contributions from individual
Democrats—and from any party committee supporting them—if they succeed in
sabotaging President Obama's diplomatic agreement with Iran.

Dear MoveOn member,

**** We could be starting down the path to a new war in the Middle East—and
New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer is to blame.* This isn't
hyperbole. It's a message to all Democrats in Congress who would dare
sabotage diplomacy. Please read on. ***

According to breaking news reports, Sen. Schumer has declared his public
opposition to the Iran deal negotiated by the United States and five other
world powers—a solid and verifiable diplomatic agreement that is the only
way other than war to cut off Iran's pathway to a nuclear weapon.1

*Republicans—like those in last night's ten-ring circus of a debate—have
made defeating the Obama administration's Iran deal their top priority. *But
they can only prevail if Democrats join them. And make no mistake, the
alternative to the Iran deal is war.

It's outrageous that Sen. Schumer—who's likely to be the next leader of the
Senate Democrats—would make this dangerous move. *Any Democrat considering
joining Sen. Schumer must also be held accountable and must know that he or
she too will pay a steep political price for attempting to sabotage the
Iran deal.*
That's why MoveOn members are pushing forward with an unprecedented donor
strike—to get individual donors to pledge to withhold a total of $10
million in donations from any Democrat who joins Sen. Schumer in opposing
the historic Iran deal and succeeds in sabotaging diplomacy, as well as
from any party committee that supports them.

*Can you sign our pledge right now—and agree to withhold your contributions
from Democrats who undermine diplomacy and the party committees that
support them?*

*Click here to join MoveOn members in pledging
withhold contributions from Democrats who undermine the president's
diplomacy with Iran—and any party committee that supports them.
when you sign, tell us how much you could give from now through Election
Day 2016.)

If Sen. Schumer won't give the Obama administration's diplomacy a chance to
work, then he's choosing to side with some of the same Republican war hawks
who led us into the Iraq War. And he's breaking with the president to side
with reckless members of Congress like Senator Tom Cotton, who's attempted
to thwart diplomatic negotiations at every turn, and who believes that
bombing Iran is our best option.2

Any Democrat who dares to join Sen. Schumer must see immediately that
MoveOn members will fight, not just with our calls to Congress, our
petitions, and our rallies—but with our checkbooks and our credit cards.

*Can you pledge to withhold your contributions from pro-war Democrats who
undermine President's Obama historic deal—**as part of our public and
sustained rebuke of Sen. Schumer's actions**?*

*Yes, I'll sign the pledge and commit to withholding my contributions, so
Democrats know that putting America on a path to war is completely

*Remember, Sen. Schumer has been wrong before. He voted to give President
George W. Bush the authority to start the Iraq War.*3

That tragic mistake alone should have been enough for the senator. When
America went to war in Iraq, it cost us more than $2 trillion.4 Thousands
of Americans died and tens of thousands were wounded.5 And at least half a
million Iraqis were killed.6
*Does Sen. Schumer really want to do that to our nation again—when there is
a sound and viable alternative that's supported by renowned national
security experts?*7

*Ready to fight back? Then click here and sign the pledge, and join us.

Thanks for all you do.
–Ilya, Joan, Nick, Stephen, and the rest of the team


1. "Schumer Says He Will Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal," *The New York Times*,
August 6, 2015

2. "Sen. Tim Kaine: Only GOP Alternative To Iran Deal Is 'Cotton Plan' For
War With Iran," BuzzFeed, July 27, 2015
3. "Who voted to authorize force in Iraq October 2002?" The Huffington
Post, February 8, 2008

4. "Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study," Reuters, March 14,

5. "U.S. Casualty Status," U.S. Department of Defense, accessed August 6,

6. "Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion, New
Study Says," The Huffington Post, October 15, 2013

7. "Statement by 60 National Security Leaders on the Announcement of a
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," The Iran Project, July 20, 2015

*Want to support our work?* We're entirely funded by our 8 million
members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny
staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly
donation here
 or chip in a one-time donation here
http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's
committee. This email was sent to Thomas Cares on August 7, 2015. To change
your email address or update your contact info, click here
<http://moveon.org/subscrip/coa.html?id=127771-18053649-kjxMXEx>. To remove
yourself from this list, click here

On Wednesday, August 12, 2015, Steven John Mulroy (smulroy) <
smulroy at memphis.edu> wrote:

> A statute in Tennessee provides:
> § 2-19-122. Demanding candidate's support in exchange for vote or support
> It is unlawful for any person to demand that any candidate for nomination
> or office shall promise or agree in advance to support any particular
> individual, policy or measure, in consideration of the vote or support,
> financial or moral, of such person, in any election, primary or nominating
> convention. A violation of this section shall be punished as provided in §
> 2-19-123 [the bribery statute].
> To the extent a person is offering not financial support but merely one's
> vote or one's "moral support," and the thing demanded of a candidate is for
> support of a particular policy or measure is this not a free speech
> problem? Even if the demand is for support of a "particular individual," as
> in, "Agree to appoint Lawrence Lessig to the Supreme Court next chance you
> get or I won't endorse you," wouldn't there still be a free speech problem?
> What am I missing?
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