[EL] Freedom Caucus to Battle McConnell on Campaign Finance

Richard Skinner richardmcgrathskinner at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 08:44:56 PST 2015

Do people expect the party committees to start making coordinated
expenditures in primaries, perhaps against House Freedom Caucus members?  I
think that would be a departure from their usual practices.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie) <
BSvoboda at perkinscoie.com> wrote:

> This is not the first time that some within the new ideological right (for
> lack of a better phrase) have aligned with the reform community on a
> regulatory issue. Tea Party groups were vocal and arguably quite
> consequential in seeing that the new Republican House majority in 2010 did
> not deauthorize the Office of Congressional Ethics. See
> http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/129855-ohio-tea-party-splits-with-boehner-on-ethics.
> I recognize that internal policing in the House and Senate raises entirely
> different issues than campaign finance regulation. But a common thread
> running through both issues is skepticism about incumbent self-dealing
> (see, e.g.,
> http://hotair.com/archives/2012/12/31/office-of-congressional-ethics-could-soon-be-silenced-by-those-it-investigates/).
> I wonder whether, in some cases, virulent anti-incumbent attitudes may
> trump (no pun intended) ideological beliefs about the proper scope of
> government regulation.
> =B.
> *Brian Svoboda** | **Perkins Coie LLP*
> 700 Thirteenth Street, N.W. Suite 600
> Washington, DC 20005-3960
> D. +1.202.434.1654
> F. +1.202.654.9150
> E. BSvoboda at perkinscoie.com <%20BSvoboda at perkinscoie.com>
> *From:* law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu [mailto:
> law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] *On Behalf Of *Rick Hasen
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 02, 2015 10:57 AM
> *To:* law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Freedom Caucus to Battle McConnell on Campaign Finance
> I'm surprised because of the ideological valence of the issue. That is, I
> expect members of the "Freedom Caucus" to support full deregulation of the
> campaign finance process.
> (I'm also skeptical of some of the arguments about polarization and
> campaign finance you make in your book, but that is an issue for another
> time.)
> On 12/2/15 7:54 AM, Ray La Raja wrote:
> Rick, regarding the news that they Freedom Caucus is opposed to
> McConnell’s bid to loosen party financing, why are you surprised (as you
> note at your blog)?   Channeling more money through the parties should
> diminish the clout of partisan factions at the extremes because it
> strengthens the hand of party leadership.  This is exactly the point Brian
> Schaffner and I make in our recent book, "Campaign Finance and Political
> Polarization: When Purists Prevail”
> https://www.press.umich.edu/4882255/campaign_finance_and_political_polarization
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.press.umich.edu_4882255_campaign-5Ffinance-5Fand-5Fpolitical-5Fpolarization&d=CwMD-g&c=XRWvQHnpdBDRh-yzrHjqLpXuHNC_9nanQc6pPG_SpT0&r=liAVgWK_6sjbUg6EC0f0khf6MyboEmFwaqEV2P3ukag&m=DjtRuYLxkr-gybKjIXAj0ZwQXAjOsGFciivFOx6MPFQ&s=YrZnJzvEPRYptX2X6vNDsQhknCWTOjg9PZimWU2SILs&e=>
> Ray La Raja, Associate Professor
> Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> http://polsci.umass.edu/profiles/la-raja_ray/home
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__polsci.umass.edu_profiles_la-2Draja-5Fray_home&d=CwMD-g&c=XRWvQHnpdBDRh-yzrHjqLpXuHNC_9nanQc6pPG_SpT0&r=liAVgWK_6sjbUg6EC0f0khf6MyboEmFwaqEV2P3ukag&m=DjtRuYLxkr-gybKjIXAj0ZwQXAjOsGFciivFOx6MPFQ&s=iOfCc01tsSGopPLl8lcJdElnGy-8thtLV1VKcw-q-OI&e=>
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> --
> Rick Hasen
> Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
> UC Irvine School of Law
> 401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
> Irvine, CA 92697-8000
> 949.824.3072 - office
> 949.824.0495 - fax
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Richard M. Skinner
1028 South Walter Reed Drive, #426
Arlington VA 22204
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Richard Skinner
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