[EL] Misspellings of Vieth: A bit of holiday levity
Paul Gronke
paul.gronke at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 09:05:06 PST 2015
Which is worse? Finding a number of misspellings of a major Supreme Court case in a set of final proofs (how did it slip through so many times…). Or finding out that the name might be a candidate for the most commonly misspelled legal citation in history?
Completely made up statistic of course, but if you search Google, Vieth v. Jubelirer returns 10,400 results, but the “alternative” spelling Veith v. Jubelirer returns 1760 results including quite a few significant legal case books, political science volumes, and artilces.
Any other candidates for a court case that is so frequently misspelled?
Paul Gronke
Professor, Reed College and
Daniel B. German Endowed Visiting Professor, Appalachian State University
Director, Early Voting Information Center
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Portland OR 97202
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