[EL] Supplemental Appendix of Sue Evenwel, et al.

Daniel A. Smith dasmith at ufl.edu
Mon Dec 21 04:40:27 PST 2015

hi all
could someone please post/direct me to a copy of the Supplemental 
Appendix of Sue Evenwel, et al., Appellants (filed 2/02/15). i can't 
seem to find a live link anywhere.

daniel a. smith, ph.d.
professor & university of florida research foundation professor
graduate coordinator
political science internship program coordinator
department of political science
003 anderson hall              |  phone: 352-273-2346
po box 117325                  |  fax: 352-392-8127
university of florida          |  email: dasmith at ufl.edu
gainesville, fl 32611-7325     |  http://people.clas.ufl.edu/dasmith/dasmith/


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