[EL] How ‘Good Work’ Hurts Political Science

wjk wjkellpro at aol.com
Sun Feb 1 10:29:56 PST 2015

The Clarke and Primo Liberating Conception of Good Work inPolitical Science
In their book A ModelDiscipline (Clarke 2012a), Clarke and Primo characterize and criticize thecorporate culture of the contemporary US political science profession.Employing qualitative methods, they write as participant observers in thefield. In this essay, I will draw attention to one of the central arguments intheir book; viz., that the current conception of good work in the profession is too constraining, and that theirproposal for a more liberating conception of good work should be adopted. Whilecalling for more methodological openness, this is not the usual appeal fortoleration of mixed methods in political science.  As we will see, Clarke and Primo take thedebate in a new direction by including descriptions of the deleterious effectsof the dominant methodological paradigm onthe profession.  
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.
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