[EL] my thoughts on the John Doe case
Rick Hasen
rhasen at law.uci.edu
Thu Jul 16 08:17:14 PDT 2015
Analysis of Wisconsin John Doe Ruling: Bad News for Campaign Finance
Laws <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=74355>
Posted onJuly 16, 2015 7:36 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=74355>byRick Hasen
Today’s lengthy and contentious 4-2 ruling
<http://www.wicourts.gov/sc/opinion/DisplayDocument.html?content=html&seqNo=144526> dividing
the Court on partisan/ideological lines, from the Wisconsin Supreme
Court ending the so-called “John Doe” probe, is significant for three
reasons: (1) it removes a cloud from the Scott Walker presidential
campaign; (2) it guts, perhaps for years, the effectiveness of the state
of Wisconsin’s campaign finance laws, and (3) it reenforces conservative
beliefs that they are the victims of frightening harassment, a belief
which is likely to lead conservative judges to strike more campaign
laws. The case also raises significant questions about judicial recusal
which go unanswered, and provide one of two potential bases to seek U.S.
Supreme Court review in this case. Still, high court review seems unlikely.
I will not spend any time on the effects of the case on the Scott Walker
candidacy, as this is an obvious benefit.
Nor will I review the background of this convoluted set of cases. For
more, seemy earlier Slate piece
as well as early coverage of today’s ruling in theNY Times
State Journal
So let me focus on the remaining two points, and the potential for Court
*Gutting of campaign finance. *The conservatives on the Court have held
that Wisconsin’s existing campaign finance laws violate the First
Amendment to the extent they limit coordination between a candidate and
/any group/, even a 501c4 group not disclosing its donors, on campaigns
to support that candidate. The only thing the nominally outside group
has to do is to avoid words of express advocacy or their functional
equivalent. Avoiding express advocacy while vigorously supporting a
candidate, as we know from the federal period before McCain-Feingold, is
child’s play. That is, a candidate can now direct unlimited
contributions to a nominally outside group and tell that group what ads
to run, when, and how. If you think it is a problem for someone to be
able to give millions of dollars directly to a candidate to support that
candidate’s campaign, then this should be very troubling to you. It was
a theory of coordination strongly rejected by the 7th Circuit in the
federal version of the John Doe case. And there’s no prospect that the
Wisconsin legislature, dominated by Republicans and already weakening
campaign finance law, will fix this. This applies only to Wisconsin
elections (and not federal elections in Wisconsin) but is very, very bad
news. (More analysis inmy earlier /Slate/piece.)
*Conservative harassment.*For months, conservatives have been sending me
stories for ELB purporting to show the horrors of the investigation
(late night raids, etc.) However, these stories were never fully
verified. As the Milwaukee-Journal Sentineleditorialized
<http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/open-john-doe-investigation-of-gov-scott-walker-to-the-public-b99491741z1-302162641.html> about
the selling of this story: “A breathless articlein the conservative
National Review
An equally breathless reportby Megyn Kelly on Fox News
comments from Gov. Scott
Walker<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuuGYGWoaC0>on the campaign trail
in Iowa…. onservatives targeted by the John Doe investigation for more
than a year have declined to discuss their concerns with the Journal
Sentinel or other independent news outlets that will seek out all sides
to a story. They have told their stories only to partisan outlets that
share their political agenda, such as Fox News, the National Review
andThe Wall Street Journal’s editorial page
its news staff).” Now the conservatives on the Supreme Court have
validated this version of events, and without full transparency the
stories cannot be fully investigated. One Justice even went so far as to
reach the issue of the constitutionality of the nighttime raids even
though the issue was not before the Court. (I would love that Justice to
ride along with police in the poorer parts of Milwaukee at night and
perhaps gain some appreciation of what others face from law enforcement
every day.) In the meantime, they fit into a conservative meme of
persecution for conservative ideas. Expect this to lead to calls for
even more laws to be struck down out of fear of persecution, fearswhich
generally do not stand up to scrutiny
*Recusal?*We know that one of the prosecutors in the case asked at least
one of the Justices who decided the case to recuse because the Justice
may have been supported by some of the campaign spending in the case. As
the dissenting Justice Abrahamson notes, the majority did not even
respond to the issue. It seems to me that this at least deserves a
response as to why recusal is not warranted.
*U.S. Supreme Court review?*The dissent notes that under the U.S.
Supreme Court’s /Caperton /decision/, /the failure to recuse in this
case could be a due process violation. At least theoretically, that’s an
issue which could go to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court could also
potentially consider the First Amendment holding about coordinated issue
advocacy. My guess is that the Court will decline review in this case,
and frankly, given this Supreme Court on campaign finance issues, I’d be
very afraid of having this issue before this Supreme Court. I mean I
think Justice Kennedy would consider coordinated issue advocacy to be
regulable, but I don’t know that I’d be the entire country’s campaign
finance system on it.
In all, this is anunsurprising partisan holding
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=74299>on a partisan court about a
campaign finance investigation with partisan implications. (True,
Justice Crooks who dissented campaigned as a conservative, but started
as a Democrat. So I guess there’s that to argue this is not fully a
partisan decision.) The Wisconsin Supreme Court has been among the most
bitterly divided along partisan lines. I doubt that after this they will
move on. This will just further entrench things. A bad day for campaign
finance, and a worse day for Wisconsin.
[/This post has been updated and edited./]
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>,chicanery
Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu
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