[EL] Contribution laundering & Ravel/Weintraub PFRs to go up tomorrow
Sai .
sai at makeyourlaws.org
Fri Jul 31 07:50:13 PDT 2015
Updated w/ FEC record pages:
(REG 2015-03, contribution laundering)
(reg 2015-04, Ravel/Weintraub re Citizens United)
President, Make Your Laws PAC/C4/C3
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Sai . <sai at makeyourlaws.org> wrote:
> Our pages are updated w/ links to the Federal Register publications
> and instructions on how to comment:
> https://www.makeyourlaws.org/fec/laundering
> https://www.makeyourlaws.org/fec/ravel_weintraub
> The first is a fairly narrow proposal we made specifically to address
> the C4/C6->SuperPAC contribution laundering loophole. It's made
> narrowly to *not* require disclosure of funds used for issue advocacy,
> nor small donors, while still ensuring disclosure of significant
> sources of money that ultimately gets used to influence an election.
> The second is a verbatim resubmission of the Ravel/Weintraub PFR, to
> encourage broader public discussion and proposals and moot the
> procedural concerns with Commissioners petitioning their own agency.
> Public and private feedback welcome on both.
> Sincerely,
> Sai
> President, Make Your Laws PAC/C4/C3
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