[EL] Change early vote?

Greenberg, Kevin Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com
Thu Jun 4 17:20:46 PDT 2015

In Pennsylvania (what I know) anyone can (and in fact must if in the county) vote in person even if they submitted an absentee or alternative ballot.  For that reason all absentee/alternative ballots are checked against poll books before tabulation.  

Don't know how feasible that is in a "all mail" or similar election and wouldn't work at all if early votes are on a machine.   But it can be done in at least small batches (maybe 1% of entire canvass, including the provisionals which don't have these issues).  

Kevin Greenberg
kevin.greenberg at flastergreenberg.com

> On Jun 4, 2015, at 6:06 PM, Thomas J. Cares <Tom at TomCares.com> wrote:
> In early voting practices, is there precedent for states making it easy for one to change their early vote? I mean campaigns are on full steam in those final days, it seems to corrupt the political process to allow ballots to be cast 20 days early. In my participation in democratic clubs, I commonly hear last minute remorse over a mailed in vote "wow, I didn't know that school board candidate thinks evolution should be stripped from biology class; I can't believe I sent my ballot in, voting for her."
> When I was a candidate, towards the very end, I had people tell me "I wish I didn't already send in my ballot, I wish I would have voted for you." Which could be disingenuous except one such person offered to volunteer a little for the campaign in the final days.
> See, I tend not to mail my ballot early, because I don't know how campaigns will develop - if someone might have a Monday night Todd Akin moment that costs them my respect.
> But, ideally, the state would allow people to still show up on Election Day and request their cast ballot arrange to be discarded, and cast a new one. Not just so voters can change their mind, but so campaigns are not so inhibited to keep making their case until the final day.
> I realize some of the logistical challenges in doing this, which seem minor, in my view.
> Has it been done?
> -Tom
> -- 
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