[EL] Rohrabacher and Lowenthal Introduce Congressional Bill to Protect Independent Redistricting --- H.R. 2501

John Koza john at johnkoza.com
Thu May 21 13:49:32 PDT 2015

The bill now has 48 co-sponsors


Dr. John R. Koza

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From: Dan Vicuna [mailto:DVicuna at commoncause.org] 
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:12 PM
To: law-election at UCI.edu
Subject: [EL] Rohrabacher and Lowenthal Introduce Congressional Bill to
Protect Independent Redistricting --- H.R. 2501


Just wanted to give the list a heads up about a bill just introduced in
anticipation of the decision in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona
Independent Redistricting Commission.


News Advisory

May 21, 2015
Aaron Scherb at (202) 736-5726 or ascherb at commoncause.org 

Dan Vicuna at (213) 623-1216 or dvicuna at commoncause.org 


Rohrabacher and Lowenthal Introduce Congressional Bill to Protect
Independent Redistricting


Today U.S. Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
introduced H.R. 2501, the Citizens' Districts Preservation Act. This bill
would preserve until after the next census Congressional districts drawn by
citizen-led independent and bipartisan commissions created to end
gerrymandering. Although state legislatures draw Congressional districts in
most of the U.S., several states have created alternative processes that
prioritize fair representation and bipartisan cooperation over political


Facts about this bill:

.         Original co-sponsors include nine Democrats and seven Republicans.

.         Prohibits redrawing Congressional districts in six states with
districts drawn by an independent or bipartisan commission after the last
census. These states include Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, New Jersey,
and Washington. 

.         Protects against the potential fallout from Arizona State
Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, a pending U.S.
Supreme Court decision. This case threatens to give state legislatures a
monopoly over the drawing of Congressional maps by prohibiting citizens from
creating independent redistricting systems.


For more information, contact Aaron Scherb at (202) 736-5726 or
ascherb at commoncause.org or Dan Vicuna at (213) 623-1216 or
dvicuna at commoncause.org. 




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