[EL] Breaking/Analysis: Big Victory for Voting Rights as #SCOTUS Rejects Plaintiffs’ Claim in Evenwel One Person, One Vote Case,Posted on April 4, 2016 7:15 am by Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
rhasen at law.uci.edu
Mon Apr 4 07:55:48 PDT 2016
Breaking/Analysis: Big Victory for Voting Rights as #SCOTUS Rejects
Plaintiffs’ Claim in Evenwel One Person, One Vote Case
Posted onApril 4, 2016 7:15 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=81460>byRick Hasen
A unanimous Supreme Court in/Evenwel v. Abbott/ (with two Justices
(Thomas and Alito) concurring in the judgment)has rejected the argument
<http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/14-940_ed9g.pdf>that states
must draw district lines so as to equalize the total number of voters
(as opposed to total population) in redistricting. A contrary ruling
would have shifted power to Republican, rural districts, and away from
Democratic urban areas (because non-citizens and children, especially in
Latino areas in states such as Texas would be in Democratic areas).
Most importantly, in a big victory for the federal government’s
position in the litigation, the Court did not say that a state can
simply choose between doing total population or total voters in how
district lines are drawn. Some expected that if the Court gave Texas the
green light to choose, as Texas argued it had the right to do in this
litigation, then in the next round of redistricting, it would have done
so in order to increase the number of Republican districts in the state.
Justice Ginsburg wrote the opinion for the Court, and it is clear (as I
had been saying) that Justice Scalia’s death did not affect the outcome
of this case. It was clear from the oral argument that, despite what
some said, this was not a case where the Court was likely to divide 4-4.
Ed Blum’s position in this case to require total population was not only
at odds with historical practice, it was not practically possible given
the data that we have, and it would have led to terrible outcomes,
including making it basically impossible to also comply with Voting
Rights Act requirements for districts.
Justice Ginsburg’s opinion holds that districting using total population
was consistent with constitutional history, the Court’s own decisions,
and longstanding practice. A long section of Justice Ginsburg’s opinion
recounts constitutional history, and relies on the fact that for
purposes of apportioning Congressional seats /among/states, total
population, not total voters, must be used. Plaintiffs’ argument in
/Evenwel/was inconsistent with this practice. As to the Court’s own
precedents, Justice Ginsburg acknowledged language supporting both total
voters and total population as possible bases, but Court’s practice has
been to look at total population in its cases. Further, that is the
practice that states uniformly use, despite the occasional case such as
/Burns v. Richardson/, allowing Hawaii to use a registered voter level.
Finally, Justice Ginsburg gives a sound policy reason for a total voter
rule. In key language, she writes that “Nonvoters have an important
stake in many policy debates—children,, their parents, even their
grandparents, for example, have a stake in a strong public-education
system—and in receiving constituent services, such as help navigating
public-benefits bureaucracies. By ensuring that each representative is
subject to requests and suggestions from the same number of
constituents, total population apportionment promotes equitable and
effective representation.” A footnote following this states that even
though constituents “have no constitutional right to equal access yo the
their elected representatives,” a state “certainly has an interest in
taking reasonable, nondiscriminatory steps to facilitate access for all
its residents.”
Perhaps the most important aspect of Justice Ginsburg’s opinion, and
especially notable because it attracted the votes of not just the
liberals but also Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy, is the
Court’s refusal to give Texas the green light to use total voters if it
wants in the next round of redistricting. The Court simply put the issue
off for another day. It is hard to stress enough what a victory this is
for plaintiffs. Many of us thought/Burns/already gave Texas this power.
The fact that the Court leaves that issue open will serve as a deterrent
for states like Texas to try to use total voters in the next round of
redistricting, because it will guarantee major litigation on the question.
One notable aspect of Justice Ginsburg’s opinion is that it seeks to
provide some clarity about when perfect equality is required and when it
is not. Interesting, the Court ignores the /Tennant/case, which seemed
to allow some deviation from perfect equality even in Congressional
district cases, and seems to restore a 10% safe harbor for state and
local redistricting. (See pages 3-4.) As Derek Muller points out on
Twitter, this is a bad sign for the plaintiffs in the pending
/Harris/case from Arizona, although the Court could still hold that the
10% safe harbor does not apply when there is proof of partisan motive in
deviating from perfect equality.
The concurring opinions coming from Justices Thomas and Alito are not
surprising. Years earlier, Thomas dissented from the Court’s refusal to
hear an earlier case on this question. Back when Alito applied to work
at the Justice Department, he mentioned in his application his
disagreement with the Warren Court one person, one vote cases. Justice
Thomas, quite radically given the last 50 years, suggests there is no
basis for a one person, one vote principle at all. This strikes me,as
I’ve written, as a sound conservative argument,
Blum’s argument
Evenwel which would have restricted states even further in their choice
of one person, one vote rules. I suspect that Justice Scalia could have
concurred in Justice Thomas’s opinion.
Justice Alito does not go as far as Justice Thomas. Relying heavily on
historical analysis, he would hold that a state can use total
population, but casts serious doubts on the question (not reached by the
majority) as to whether it must. He says the question whether a state
could use some other measure “is an important and sensitive question
that we can consider if and when we have before us a state districting
plan that, unlike the current Texas plan, uses something other than
total population as the basis for equalizing the size of districts.”
This was never a close case, as judged by the unanimous rejection of Ed
Blum’s position in this case. So why did the Court take it? As I’ve
suggested inmy forthcoming /Stanford Law Review /piece,
<http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2639902> the Court
likely took this case for a purely technical reason: Ed Blum managed to
maneuver it to come before a three judge district court with direct
appeal to the Supreme Court. In those cases, a decision by the Court not
to hear the case and to simply affirm is treated as a judgment that the
Supreme Court agrees with the lower court result (though not necessarily
its reasoning). The Chief Justice and others have said they feel
compulsion to take these cases, as they are often reluctant to endorse a
result without a full examination.
It might be said that liberals dodged a bullet. But as I’ve said since
the beginning, this bullet was never close to hitting its victim.
/This post has been updated./
Posted inredistricting <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=6>,Supreme Court
Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu
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